33 – The Power Of Free Will

Free Will

In a previous entry, we discussed how World of Warcraft can be used as an analogy for timelines. Now I will explore this further.

Free Will is a concept that suggests we may do anything we wish without restriction. 

Though that doesn’t mean there aren’t any consequences.  All your choices influence who you are, and what happens to you.

Free Will allows us to experience whatever we choose.  When we decide on a direction, all is set up on those higher Astral Levels where our Main Soul aspects exist.

Many people get confused about what Free Will is. They also get confused as to what it means when people say: “This is a world of illusions.”


There are two main Realms of Reality that we should look at.

The first is the Realm of the Absolute. 

This is where you would find what one terms, “God” or “Source”.  It is all that is, will be and ever was.  All there exists in that Realm is Light, Oneness, and Love. Time does not exist.  It’s just the Eternal now.

When all is everything and everything is just Light and Love, it is impossible to know what Oneness is.


It’s like taking a flashlight during high noon on a summer’s day and turning it on.  You can’t even tell if it’s on.  Very much like people not noticing they have left their car lights on during the day.

However, take away the daylight, and you suddenly have a tool that lets you experience, not only what light is, but what the darkness is, too.

You have created contrast and that allows us to know what something is, and what isn’t.

While you can know yourself conceptually, it’s another matter, entirely, to know yourself experientially.

Many seem to struggle with this concept, so to use another analogy: It’s like reading about sex and experiencing it.

Realm Of The Relative

To allow us to experience ourselves, the Realm of the Relative was created. Anything and everything can be manifested.  The only limits are the imagination of the Soul.

The Realm of the Relative is completely made up.   It is 100% illusion, as it is not who we truly are.   It has everything imaginable contained within, and everything has its polar opposites.

Just because it’s all made up, doesn’t mean it isn’t real to us.  The emotions and sensations of pain, joy, sadness, love, anger, and so on are not dismissed as just an illusion.

While this realm is indeed illusionary, it’s still real for us who exist in it.  It’s our reality, and we should treat it as such. 

The fact that it’s an illusion allows us to use it to manifest and create anything we desire.

When people dismiss this world as a world of illusions, they fail to understand that it’s still real. It’s just not ultimate reality. I feel that saying this trivializes what we experience and endure.

Yes, it is an illusion, but the illusion is complete and it’s our second home.


In the previous entry, the Astral levels are defined as anything that is not on this 3D level.  There are 7 levels, and each level has 7 within it.  Moving beyond those levels will take you to a new octave.

Those levels are where we reside as One, know everything that is going on, and time does not exist. There is no separation.

The higher the level, the faster and easier you can create something, but the less substance it has. 

This is why the third dimension is ideal for creating things that have real value and substance. The more energy you are able to put into manifesting something, the more potent it becomes.

Sounds too fantastic?  Too many flaws with this idea?

I can’t blame you for thinking that.  Unless you have experienced something along those lines, it’s often hard to accept this as possible, or as fact.


To be clear, I am asserting the statements above with the following assumptions:

  1. Time is an illusion. All things are happening right now.
  2. Which means all realities exist at the same time. The fact there is no time means everything must be happening right now.  Only the illusion of time exists so we may experience what we desire.
  3. We are literally all One.  By that I mean, there is only One Soul, and everything is an aspect of it.  Therefore, there is nothing to plan or interact with outside of yourself, because the only one who is doing this is You.  The illusion is that we are all separate from everything else. 
  4. Nothing is random.  Unless you choose it to be.  You can experience randomness if you wish, but even that is a choice.  For instance, you might say, there is no Free Will, and then experience that very reality because you have chosen it. Even not making a choice is making a choice.
  5. Separation is an illusion, but is needed in order to experience exactly who we are by being in the presence of what we are not.  You experience who you are by comparing yourself to others and by deciding who you will be in regard to events and others actions.
  6. We have all of Eternity to experience everything we wish, in any way we want to. More importantly, we can keep coming back again and again until we are finished and ready to move on to something different and new.

All the above, are certainly not my ideas.   It’s just the way it works.  Such things have been spoken of many, many times in other religions and philosophies.   (The Conversations with God book series details this all quite nicely.)

I’m just using them in the context of timelines.

The Master You

There is one thing, I have felt, that I haven’t come across elsewhere before.

There is a “Master You.”

By that I mean, while we experience all realities at the same time, there is one main Master You where the current focus is.  You can see potential timelines, the probabilities, and experiences that could have happened but didn’t; simply because you didn’t choose them.

It’s as though you have sent out your Avatars to experience those probabilities, conceptually, as though you were doing a simulation.

For all intent and purposes, it has happened; but not to the Master You.

Therefore, all of those Avatars, having experienced those potential timelines, return to the Master You. Those types of Avatars give you other experiences and insights that you might not have otherwise obtained.

Scanning Timelines

You can follow those timelines in your mind and see what might have been.

For example, I’ve personally followed three potential paths at various points in my life.  I saw them unfold in my Mind’s Eye, and eventually saw how they ended.

For the record, they all ended badly.   In two of them, I saw myself leaving my life (possibly to try again).

Some timelines you may not want to experience at all, and you do not have to.   It’s all to do with what we choose in the end.

Remember, it’s all a matter of attunement that defines the reality you end up in.

Next: Karma: How does it actually work?

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[…] Belief System creates reality and reality reinforces beliefs. This is created through our Free Will. This is important on several levels because our minds tend to block us when […]


[…] The reality is that it’s a work in progress. It won’t all happen at once. To do so, would violate Free Will. […]


[…] That’s not to say that they stop caring, but perspectives change once you realize that the 3D was the illusion, and they are back to being part of the greater Reality. (Such as it is, in the Realm of the Relative.) […]

3 years ago

If we are all one soul how can we all also be separate individual beings like even as you say YOU are the Phoenix source / or how come “another being” can come and eat you or trick you into a soul trade, what is really going on? Ive read your entry on soul trades and if it’s possible what’s the actual transaction taking place? If we are all really just one where’s that going? You can’t gain something you already have right? Could it just be that vessels information or experience it was going to bring back to its higher self (but even then you can’t gain what you already have and also if we are all one isn’t that soul or the energy just being taken from that one place just to be put right back in the first place? Like what’s the gain? Why would demonicz or any beings even do something like that if there was nothing to gain?)

3 years ago

If we are all one soul how can we all also be separate individual beings like even as you say YOU are the Phoenix source / or how come “another being” can come and eat you or trick you into a soul trade, what is really going on? Ive read your entry on soul trades and if it’s possible what’s the actual transaction taking place? If we are all really just one where’s that going? You can’t gain something you already have right? Could it just be that vessels information or experience it was going to bring back to its higher self (but even then you can’t gain what you already have and also if we are all one isn’t that soul or the energy just being taken from that one place just to be put right back in the first place? Like what’s the gain? Why would demonicz or any beings even do something like that if there was nothing to gain?)

2 years ago

Gary then what will become of my friends I really care about who tell me that they’ve already went out and sould theyre souls???
I don’t understand

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