29 – The Mandela Effect – Loss of Possessions

Loss of Possessions

In the last entry, I spoke about Attunement.  How every action defines the reality you end up in.  This entry I will discuss materialism and how the loss of possessions can be a precursor to alleviating the actual shift to a different timeline.

Now, you may argue if we can choose our own reality, why does life sucks so much?  Why is it, if I’ve chosen such a good life, all I get are bad things happening?

Quite simply, my answer is this:   If you choose the same thing repeatedly, and try living your life in a way that is parallel to who you really are; then, eventually, things will begin to shift.

Additionally, when you choose something, everything unlike it will come into your space so you have more choices. 

More importantly, all the negative things that are holding you back will manifest, so you can see them, and clear them.

That is why so many people are perplexed when things apparently seem to get worse, rather than better.

However, there are a few things, in my observations, that you might want to be aware of.  Even if you are not aware of them when they happen.

We have discussed how we can die, and come back to a slightly different reality. There are a few things about this that should be clarified.

To shift, and make a smooth transition, events may happen in your current reality that prepare you for the next. 

Materialism may be a major obstacle when you are preparing to shift timelines.

Letting Go

For example, before my “death” back in 2000, I lost a lot of childhood memorabilia that was important to me. It was put into a garbage bag during renovations by my ex-wife and I never saw them again.  I suspect it was thrown out by accident. (Though I believe there are no “accidents”.)

Those possessions were removed for me and the lack of attachments to them allowed me to shift timelines.

Another example occurred in June of 2017, I was moving around North America and had sent all of my possessions to a forwarding address. There were nine boxes.  When they arrived, I noticed that certain things were missing that I was sure I had included. Things such as, books,  DVDs, and more notably, a high quality kitchen knife.

I had sealed the boxes shut myself, and the seals had remained intact. No one could have tampered with them.

Even more mysteriously, I found two strange chisel like objects (which turned out to be tire levers) in my boxes. They were brand new, still unopened in their plastic wrappings, and in two separate boxes. Their purpose is for removing the tires off the rims of bicycles.  I’ve never had any cause to buy one, and it was the first time I had ever seen them.  I had no idea where they came from.

In addition, a jacket I had been wearing suddenly disappeared. The interesting thing about this is I felt a very strong sense of unease and panic that I was going to lose it.  Sure enough, a week or so later, I noticed it was gone.  I knew I had not misplaced it; however, no one was able to find it.

At this time, I had various people tell me they had felt a shift in timelines, and we were now in a different one. My intuition told me this was accurate.

In any case, this is certainly not the first time I’ve experienced such things.


You may have heard stories, or even experienced possessions that you knew you had, vanish without a trace.

Loss due to fire, death, displacement and so on, may be due to you being prepared to shift timelines.

I realize how this may sound to those who have experienced such things. It is certainly not my intention to trivialize or dismiss the trauma that is experienced.

It’s not pleasant, to put it mildly.  Even if the tragedy happened so you could move on with your own evolution in life, you will still have to deal with the trauma.

Possessions Can Weight You Down.

Possessions can, and often do weigh you down. We impart our own energies into what we own. They become an extension of us, and that makes it hard to part from them.

When I moved into a house a few years ago, I made a decision to throw away entire collections which included records and comics. Not because I didn’t want to keep them, because it felt like the right choice.

Through the years 2014 to 2017, I traveled around a lot. I threw away nearly everything I had and lived out of two suitcases.  I discovered that I did not need nearly as much as I thought I did and was much happier for having nothing but the essentials.

Leaving Others Behind.

This is where it starts to get a little more complex.

When we shift timelines, we may leave behind loved ones, friends, foes, associates, etc.

This is a bit of speculation, but to us, it will appear as though they have died. To them, it may appear as though we have died.

Sometimes, they will follow, and shift with you to the new timeline.

Major disasters, where entire groups die, may well be people who have shifted, as a collective, to another reality. Perhaps they continue on in another timeline?

One thing I am very sure of: We don’t die until we’re ready to.

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