29 – The Mandela Effect – Loss of Possessions

Loss of Possessions

In the last entry, I spoke about Attunement.  How every action defines the reality you end up in.  This entry I will discuss materialism and how the loss of possessions can be a precursor to alleviating the actual shift to a different timeline.

Now, you may argue if we can choose our own reality, why does life sucks so much?  Why is it, if I’ve chosen such a good life, all I get are bad things happening?

Quite simply, my answer is this:   If you choose the same thing repeatedly, and try living your life in a way that is parallel to who you really are; then, eventually, things will begin to shift.

Additionally, when you choose something, everything unlike it will come into your space so you have more choices. 

More importantly, all the negative things that are holding you back will manifest, so you can see them, and clear them.

That is why so many people are perplexed when things apparently seem to get worse, rather than better.

However, there are a few things, in my observations, that you might want to be aware of.  Even if you are not aware of them when they happen.

We have discussed how we can die, and come back to a slightly different reality. There are a few things about this that should be clarified.

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