14 – Omen: On Salai And The Golden Ratio

Omen:  On Salai and The Golden Ratio


This  entry might be of interest to those who wonder the kind of flow Omen and I had with each other. The dialogue below was typical of our chat, including Omen dropping tantalizing nuggets of information that he took for granted, but history was not aware of.

Omen often raged at humans. It was true Omen hated them, and part of it was his frustration in dealing with them.  In the chat room, sometimes a topic would come up and Omen would go on one of his rants.

One of these led to me asking Omen about why Salai wanted to kill him and why he drew the Golden Ratio. As always, it was a mixture of head scratching and intrigue. I often wonder what historians would make of these things.

Omen:     I think humans have lost the plot. They say an infinite number exists when they are just adding more numbers onto a number the goes beyond the norms of their numerical system. Yet they don’t see it’s a fault, even if nothing in the physical reality is immeasurable like infinite numbers. The number doesn’t fucking exist, its one number, you don’t say it keeps going because your (sic) too stupid to complete it. Ughhhhh! headesk

Gary:     But they say that it never ends cause it goes on and on. I think that’s the argument. Don’t ask me. I can’t comprehend it.

Omen:     They just don’t understand how to fit the number into their numerical system of reasoning because it happens to be an exception to the rule. This is when smart creatures figure out the exception to the rule. Not just go with it and come out with bullshit. Because they think they now sound smart about explaining the inexplicable because they fucked up.

Gary:     Yeah, except you don’t get numbers, so can you be 100% sure? [Omen was horrible with math.  I never worked out how he painted the golden ratio, but apparently he was given the information.]

Omen:     If 2 plus 2 make 7… then you figure out what the fuck went wrong and why it is different. You don’t go.. oh it = 7 then… and that’s how it is and other numbers = 7 as well… just because. Fuck!

Gary:     The only thing I care about is Pi.  Because it sounds like food.

Omen:     Angels have this thing with pi. It’s insane. I hate it. It drives me nuts.

Gary:     That’s interesting.

Omen:     Humans got the bad angel gene for pi. They think it’s something divine to be worshiped because it represents unlimited potential, which is what they think they can achieve when they obviously cant but they can’t see that. [eye twitch] I’ve heard about infinite numbers and pi and whatever the fuck that spiral thing is and natural geometric patterns of pi for so, so long.

Gary:     Fractals.

Omen:     I had to stop Salai from looking into it after he made me do a heap of paintings and sketches based on it.  It pisses me off. I hate it.  It’s just… grrrrr… why do they not see it for what it is?!

Gary:     Cause the human mind can’t really comprehend it.

Omen:     It’s not even the human mind, angels do the same fucking thing. It’s an angel thing. It’s a glitch. They should fix it.

Gary:     Hey, why did Salai try to kill you in the end? And what happened to him?

Omen:     ...[googles my work with pi]…. Since I’m already on the subject….lets hope someone burned it.

He got paid off with everything he was supposed to earn so he figured hey why not. Like winning the lottery.

[Omen then does some Googling]. Ah fuck they kept it. Fuck sake burn it ughh.

Gary:     You mean that drawing? 

Omen:     But whyyyy ahhh… [dramatic sprawl across desk] whyyy. I mean the whole thing.

Gary:     Well, it’s iconic.  I never understood what it meant, though.

Omen:     The golden ratio Kill it. Ah! Ok i think im done.

Gary:     Why though? I mean, why create it if you hate it?

Omen:     It was in the contract and it already existed:   Angelics been using it forever. Salai wanted to learn it and he wanted me to make it like a man, so i told him to get fucked and then had to do it anyway.

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6 years ago

Hi Gary,
Very interesting experiences you’re sharing. It’s good to “see” you again since I’ve been off social media and blogs for a bit. We met a few years ago when I kept up a blog.

I got a nudge to reach out so I’ll email you privately. I’m glad you’re doing well. You are quite an amazing person.

Much love,

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