121 – Psychic Attacks – Physical Body and Cursing Possessions.

Physical Body and Curses

This is a series that looks at what Psychic Attacks are and what you can do regarding them. This entry we’ll look at attacks on the physical body and curses.

Psychic Attacks on the Physical Body

This is a nasty form of psychic attack. Disruptive energy is sent to an organ in the target’s body with the intention of causing the organ’s failure.

This can be done by interrupting the Meridian Lines that carry our energy in our bodies then causing a blockage.

You don’t need a weapon to kill someone or even be anywhere near them. A Psychic Attack that focuses on organ failure can be very effective.

And while this is certainly something I’ve seen others do, my advice is to not even think about trying this.

Karmically, you will not only leave yourself vulnerable to those energies, but you will also energetically bind yourself to the victim. You might also affect someone who is close to them energetically.

Phantom Pains

I’ve encountered people who have not only wished cancer on their victims, but were actively trying to cause it because the target didn’t agree with what they said.

Such people are guaranteed to end up in miserable conditions.

The good news is that if you are not resonating with their attacks, then the attacks won’t work (though you may get phantom pains or symptoms).

These types of attacks will likely only succeed if there is a weakness in the targeted organ to begin with.

Once I was under attack from someone who had decided I had offended him, and it felt like I was having a heart attack. I went to the doctors, but they could find nothing.

When I worked out it was an attack and put two and two together for the source, I was able to block them. The pains vanished immediately.

He also used the same tactic on a friend of mine not long after. I blocked that attack, too.

Such attacks can also take the form of aches, pains, cramps, discomfort, and so on.

Over time, they can take their toll on the body, so action should be taken sooner than later.

Always consult with a doctor first to rule out medical issues.


These are like psychic time bombs. Elemental energies or Though-Forms are created, seeded, and await to become activated by the right circumstances or intention.

They are rare as a targeted type of attack. The amount of energy involved in creating them is not worth the hit and miss type outcome.

Such attacks tend to use an object, such as a ring or land.

The intention behind it is to create trouble for the owner.

If the curse is placed on something that truly belongs to the target, then the laws of Soul Tags will apply. In other words, if someone attempts to curse something that does not belong to them, then they may become vulnerable to the ones they have cursed. That can be used to gain control over the curser.

Protecting Property

These types of curses are generally used more for protecting property and locations. This is the basis of cursing possessions that are deemed valuable or to have consequences for those who would desecrate a burial site.

Someone who is sensitive can detect them as a tingling or an uncomfortable feeling.

The energy may keep people away or even put them into a bad mood for no apparent reason.

Such attacks tend to use an object, like a piece of jewellery, such as a ring, or an expanse or plot of land.

The intention is to ensure that those who settle will have no peace or real prosperity.

Use with Caution

Any curse of this nature should be used very carefully. If you do not own something, then you have no right to claim it as your own.

To be clear, I am not talking about a titled Deed to land nor something you have found and claimed as yours. The object must be made from your own energies or gifted / traded to you from those who own it to begin with.

Even if you create something, such as a ring, for instance, you should also make sure that the metal that you made it from was yours to use in the first place.

Always Ask Permission

You can generally do this by asking those who are guardians of such things for permission or, in certain circumstances, The Gaia Herself.

Everything has an energy attached to it and many things also have a spirit connected, as well.

Assuming you’ve already asked, look for signs that your request is granted. It may come from a synchronicity, a feeling, or even a telepathic message you hear in your mind or thoughts.

Also, check your feelings or gut instinct on such things.

Remember, no means no.


Despite what humans believe, they do not own anything on this planet.

The more enlightened ones understand that they are Caretakers or Custodians of the land in which they live. They understand they are part of the energy matrix and work to engage that flow rather than seek domination and control over it.

Also, show respect for what your possessions are and where they originated. You never know what may be connected to them. This may sound strange and over the top, but chances are that the planet does not care too much about them. However, you never know its true history.

So, if you must; protect what is yours but only yours.

Also, and I can’t stress this enough, do not put curses on land.

Not only will you be bound to it after you die and for future incarnations, but it’s not yours to curse. Someone will have to come along and heal things so that those bound may be free.

It’s not only time consuming, but takes a lot of psychic energy, too.

Only a few beings can lay claim to seeding the world with their energy and helping create that which became life on this planet.

Next: Astral Parasites

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