104 – End of Days – Universal Law Part 2

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Universal Law (Part 2)

This series of articles will discuss Attunement and certain perspectives you should be open to consider should the End of Days actually occur.  For those who decide to continue reading this entry, I intend to offer advice on options you should seriously consider and the reasoning behind it. This particular entry will focus on Universal Laws such as Death, Human Laws, Justice, and Responsibility.


Death is considered a natural part of existence in the Astral. If something or someone dies, it’s because their tenure is up and they will return to The Source, or possibly shift to another timeline.

In high level cultures, if someone tries to kill them, they will simply just give up their body and recreate a new one.

They understand that death is not real and never random. They know that we are not our body. It is just a vehicle for us, the Soul.  

On this Earth, people are attached to the body and never seem to see the Soul that is within themselves and in others. Another spirit can take over a loved one, and they won’t even be aware.

Also, many bodies are Soulless. They are part of a hive-mind, and act as a human would, but without any real Lifeforce within, as they are controlled from without.

As a side note, there isn’t a single Soul I can think of that has not returned in some shape or form. Even if we don’t remember who they are, or recognize them, they are most certainly there.


Laws on this world are ever changing. What was legal in one time maybe illegal today, and visa versa.

They are value judgments made by the minority.

Now, I’m not saying abolish all laws, nor am I suggesting that we can do without them. We can’t.

This world is barely able to regulate its own behaviors. Laws are followed out of fear rather than it being in line with spirit and Universal Law.

If humankind is to stand a chance in the future, they will honestly need to reassess their actions and what they do and why they do it.

A more advanced society will do the right thing because it’s who they are. They will not only do it because it’s in line with their spiritual ethics, but because they understand their place in the scheme of things and what is expected of them.

Sadly, on Earth, we need laws to keep us in line. The fact we will break them if we think we can get away with it is a symptom of a world that is not in touch with their spiritual and higher selves.


We also have an overwhelming desire for justice. We want people to pay for their crimes. To put them into jail or sentence them to death.

Universal Law, on the other hand, does not care for such things.

Yes, if you must remove them to safeguard those around you, then do so. It’s the hate and anger that is generated towards them that is the problem. It’s those emotions that collect and eventually manifest into something catastrophic.

Also, sentencing someone to death is akin to setting them free. Sure, you might kill the body, but any spirit or demonic can, and will, return in another body, only to continue what they were doing.

The Universe does not care about justice.  It is a manmade concept.

Our Leaders

Instead of coming from a place of anger, fear, revenge and righteousness, let’s consider Unconditional Love, healing and sending wisdom and forgiveness to those who have wronged us.

I feel that we should be working to not only look at and heal the conditions that created the trouble, but work towards healing, supporting and sending positive energy and encouragement to those who need it.

This is especially true for our Leaders.

There is so much hate there and we want them to fail. We want things to fall apart so it will show that we are right. We have an ego investment in how others act. It doesn’t matter if they do good or not, we will see what we want to see and disregard what doesn’t suit our point of view.

We desire justice and the need to be right. However, we tend to ignore what Universal Law dictates.

This could change overnight if we choose to support each other and share what we have, regardless of what others may think. 

Sadly, that’s also something that is unlikely to happen.

Take Responsibility

The thing is, while we maintain such an attitude, we will continue to be attuned to a lower vibrational reality. Things will continue to get worse and we will tend to blame everyone else but ourselves.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying we are the blame. I’m saying that we are in a co-created reality and until we take responsibility for our part, we can’t begin to change any of it.

If you, however, are able to do such things, you will attune to a higher level and your next life (or even this one, if you shift timelines) might well be spent in a much happier world.

Next: Guide to attunement – Part 1 / 3

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