What Is Toxic Energy?
This is a series that looks at what Psychic Attacks are and what you can do regarding them. This entry we’ll focus on what Toxic Energy is and what causes it.
I’ve been wanting to write this entry for a while but fitting it in has been a challenge.
I want to make it clear that this is not directed at everyone. Most who read this blog already do amazing work and I’m singing to the choir there. This is for the many who are engaged in their daily, negative dramas. It’s a warning.
Toxic Energy, while not a Psychic Attack in the traditional sense, is still an attack.
I don’t know the traditional name for this energy, or if one even exists; but it’s all around us. More and more Toxic Energy is being generated every day.
Toxic Energy is energy generated by humans (mostly). It has short- and long-term effects that ultimately devastate our 3D lives, including our perceived reality.
It’s co-created energy that people are buying into and adding their own bit of it into the pool.
What Causes Toxic Energy?
The main cause of Toxic Energy is fear, judgement, intolerance, and the addiction to negative drama.
Thoughts of outrage, anger, cancel culture, revenge, entitlement, the need for justice, etcetera, all contribute to it.
I’m not saying all those emotions are wrong or should be repressed. I am suggesting though, that how we go about expressing such emotions, right now at this moment, is making things worse rather than better.
The more you blame others for the state of the world and the more entitled you feel; the worse things will get.
One of the keys to changing Toxic Energy to a more positive element is to own your own emotions. To take responsibility for how you are feeling and reacting. It doesn’t have to be an instant thing. It can be a process. A work in progress.
Until you accept your own role in this co-created reality, you can’t really begin to change anything, not even your own feelings.
The moment we blame others, we give our power away. Literally.
Typically, all energy will gather into a pool. Toxic Energy is no exception. Eventually, it will hit a critical mass, and we then experience major disasters, such as category 5 hurricanes, plagues, earthquakes, bush fires, terrorist attacks, and wars.
I can imagine some of you reading this and thinking: “Huh? Aren’t most of those things just part of nature?”
Well, yes, they are. However, with Toxic Energy, not only will such events be triggered, but it will also make them worse. That negative energy can be used to direct and fan the flames by those who know how to tap into it.
A Life of Its Own
In the past, the process was somewhat slower. Over time, Toxic Energy would hit that critical mass, and things would be like a powder keg, ready to explode at the slightest spark. You can certainly attribute both World Wars to this.
Now, things are worse. We not only have billions more people on the planet contributing, but we also have the Internet. Access to that allows almost anyone to, not only voice their opinion, but add toxic emotions and energy to the pool.
From what I can sense, The Net is becoming its own type of consciousness. It’s powered by electricity, which is biological in nature.
We have created what is called a Thought Form. An elemental type energy that takes on a life of its own and becomes independent from its creators.
I know this statement is controversial and many may tune out, however, anything can have a Soul, Energy or a Consciousness attached to it.
Anyone who is sensitive will be able to feel the energy of the Net. It’s there, very palpable, and growing stronger each year.
I know many who can’t join social media platforms because of it, and some people find it even hard to use mobile devices.
It’s not all bad, of course, but there certainly is enough toxicity to cause issues.
Climate Change
Toxic Energy is a problem because it is seeping into Earth’s energy matrix. I feel that we are looking at the wrong threats to Humanity.
Right now, there is a real focus on Climate Change, and how it may end The Human Race. That’s not the only thing we should be worrying about.
Putting aside the debate about whether it’s real or not, I feel we are focusing on the wrong things here.
This will no doubt be controversial but I’m coming from a more holistic viewpoint.
The Planet and The Gaia aren’t here for the conveniences of humans. It doesn’t care whether they are roaming around on the surface or not. Humans, as a whole, are considered to be parasites. Many denizens of the Astral levels (such as The Triquerta) look upon them as nothing more than slaves or cattle.
Personally, I’ve always championed humans. Worked to give them their awareness and power back to them. But ultimately, my loyalties are to The Gaia and The Fae.
The Wrong Reasons
Humans believe that they are at the top of the food chain. (They’re not, as Omen would have told you, he considered them food.)
Humans don’t seem to mind hurting or exploiting whatever they need, if it serves what they want.
When it comes to Climate Change, most seem to believe it’s a bad thing, not because it is seemingly destroying the planet, but because it is destroying humankind.
They seem to be missing the point here.
They are concerned for the wrong reasons.
Humans act like it’s all about them. It’s not. The scope is way greater than they seem to comprehend.
Greta Thunberg
In September 2019, a young lady named Greta Thunberg addressed the United Nations with her thoughts about Climate Change.
“This is all wrong,” she said. “I shouldn’t be up here. I should be back in school on the other side of the ocean. Yet you all come to us young people for hope. How dare you!“
“You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words. And yet I’m one of the lucky ones. People are suffering. People are dying. Entire ecosystems are collapsing. We are in the beginning of a mass extinction, and all you can talk about is money and fairy tales of eternal economic growth. How dare you!”
Was she right? Partly. However, I feel speeches like Greta Thunberg’s, where she condemns the United Nations for destroying her dreams, while creating guilt and outrage on her behalf; miss the mark entirely.
Personally, I find this type of condemnation fruitless because she acts like this is her first time on this planet as a human (it’s not), and she is somehow entitled to certain things. (She isn’t.)
It also ignores the fact that none of us are here without our consent on some level. We have all agreed to be here at some point. Nothing is random. None of us just randomly walked into this time and version of Reality, no matter what we might believe.
Greta’s speech was Toxic. From what I saw, she never once considered that maybe other Beings, other than herself (and those she represented) and her dreams, were being affected.
Setting aside the real issue of Climate Change, what concerns me here is the toxicity and blame put on everyone else. This type of Toxic Energy is what we must avoid. The irony here is, Greta Thunberg is contributing to the very thing that she wishes to be champion against: The extinction of the Human Race.
Blame, condemnation, anger, hate, fear… all of it makes it worse.
Claim to Existence
Humans act as though they are alone in this reality. If you can’t poke it and make it move, then it has no life or claim to life.
Many humans refuse to accept that this world has a spirit connected to it. The Gaia, the Soul of the earth, is real. It’s a fact of life. All that exists within and on the surface are an extension of Her energy.
She is as living and valid as any Soul in a human body.
It’s not just the Climate Change that you should concern yourselves about. It’s all the Toxic Energy that is being generated and pouring into the Energy Matrix.
Recrimination, hate, condemnation, maliciousness and so on, are real energetic forces, and they will, and are, manifesting in the worst possible ways right now.
Poisoning the Planet
The harsh truth of the matter is that The Gaia doesn’t care about Climate Change. She’s been through way, way worse (relatively speaking) and She’s still here.
Every day, things are getting worse. The vibrations of this planet are becoming lower and getting closer to the demonic realms.
This not only allows portals to be opened more easily, but also gives rise to the increasing amount of Psychic Attacks.
Toxic Energy is literally poisoning this planet.
It’s got to change, or Climate Change will be the least of Humanity’s problems. Other forces will take steps to remove those who are contributing to this issue.
As a collective, humans will continue on. You can’t kill anything, especially if the Collective Consciousness that created them continues to exist.
The dire threat here is, they will become trapped in a Hell of their own creation.
It doesn’t have to be that way.
Stop Being Toxic… Please!
I know this might sound fanciful or deluded, but I’m giving this warning anyway.
Stop being toxic!
Stop coming from a place of blame and fear. All it does is get other people’s backs up. Stop condemning companies from growing so big that they are a power to themselves. They only got that way, and remain so, because people choose to keep on supporting them.
Nothing could exist as a power if the support wasn’t there in the first place.
Stop with the judgment, the jealousy, the envy, the forcing of “wokeness” down people’s throats.
Remember, we are all One. We are all of the same energy. We are all different aspects of that energy, but nothing here could exist if it wasn’t meant to be here to begin with. Whether that is by choice or unintended consequences, we all had a hand in creating it.
There is still time to change this. It could change overnight.
As someone who truly cares about this planet and the denizens who live upon it, I’m asking people to consider my words. To take note. To run it by their feelings.
If this resonates with you, please pass on the message. We can only heal this World as a Collective and we are all part of that.
Next: More psychic attacks.
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[…] few months ago, I wrote a blog which spoke of Toxic Energy, and how it is poisoning and hurting this […]
[…] they can continue down this toxic path, blame everyone but themselves, and face a future that will be hellish in […]
[…] this entry, we discuss three tips on what we can do to help stop Toxic […]