179 – Three Tips For Stopping Toxic Energy

Three Tips

In this entry, we discuss three tips on what we can do to help stop Toxic Energy.

A friend gave me some feedback on my previous entry, about how time was running out for The Gaia, who is the Spirit of this World.

It was suggested that I write some tips on what we can do to help with shifting the energy. It was also suggested that it was coming from a place of fear.

To Clarify

Just to clarify, it’s not. It’s coming from a place of observation. Many of us can see the results of what is going on when it comes to energy.

Every week, I get constant reports and questions from those who feel something is terribly wrong.

I have been told, (to use a cliché), that a storm is coming, and things are coming to a head.

All the signs bear that out right now.

This May Sound Harsh

Many have been called to take Toxic Energy and transmute it. It’s not an easy thing to do. There are some great sacrifices being made in the name of this planet, and mankind.

If I had to suggest what could be done to help things, albeit, what you could suggest to others; then it would be the following three tips. I have mentioned them before in other blogs, but they certainly bear repeating.

These suggestions may sound judgmental or harsh, but there is no way to sugar coat them. If any of them resonate with you, then hopefully you will keep them in mind, and pass them on to those who could use them.

Tip #1

Take responsibility. Stop blaming others.

I’ve noticed that there is much hate and blame out there that is geared towards others. As individuals, we are not responsible for the choices other people make.  We can only be accountable for our own decisions.

As a collective, though, we co-create our reality. There are two main realities that are relevant here.

The first is our Personal Reality. This allows us to have individual experiences, which will be different to another person who has experienced the exact same thing.

The second is our Shared/Collective Reality. This is where everyone is experiencing the same things, such as COVID-19, war, and so on.


It has wisely been said that, “Until you take responsibility for it all, you cannot begin to change any of it.”

In other words, we are giving our power away. We are suggesting that we have no control, and it’s all happening to us, rather than something we have all manifested on some level.

The old saying, “Be the change you wish to see,” is exactly what we should be doing. YOU may not be able to change things on a co-created level, but you will attune yourself to a reality that is in tune with who you are choosing to be.

If enough people choose the same things, it will create a critical mass, and things will shift. It doesn’t take as many as we might think. Just people with the same Intentions and desires, thinking on a Collective level.

Send Love, Wisdom, and Peace to our leaders.  We spend too much time hating on them. At the very least, you will generate less toxic energy by doing so.

Tip #2

Just because it’s legal, doesn’t mean you should do it.

Many people do things just because there are loopholes in the law. Or the laws of the nation-state that it’s not illegal to do something.

Perhaps it’s the exploitation of workers. In some capitalist countries, workers rights and wages are what I feel to be unconscionable.

Yes, you can get away with abusing your staff, underpaying them, and sacking them for the flimsiest of reasons legally, but that doesn’t make it right.

Another example is addictive game play, such as casinos or free to play mobile games that are designed to hook you in and drain every dollar from your bank account.

I’m sure you can think of many examples for yourself.

Just because you can do something, doesn’t mean that you should.

Laws versus Karma

My personal rule of thumb is that if something is not a Win/Win, then it’s not something I should be doing.

Universal Law does not give two hoots about our man-made laws.

Yes, you may get away with it in the 3D, but karma will not take laws into account if your intentions are less than noble.

Do what is right by yourself and others. Not because you are forced to, but because it’s an expression of your highest, spiritual self.

I will qualify this by saying that right and wrong, good and bad, are strictly relative terms. They do not exist. Everyone sees things from their own point of view. 

But intention is self-defining. Work to lift everyone up along with yourself. This will help the toxic energy.

Tip #3

Stop engaging in fake conspiracy theories.

Use some common sense here. If something doesn’t make sense, or does not have genuine evidence (that is not cherry picked), then don’t engage it.

Think rationally. Things like 5G causes coronavirus, or Bill Gates is making a vaccine to track and mark us all – are insane. (The mark of The Beast is an energetic mark and has been covered in a previous blog and I can promise you it’s the real story.)

Or most inanely and insanely, that the Earth really is flat, and it’s a conspiracy by NASA. (Honestly!)

Yes, some things may be plausible, but COVID deniers are only making things worse. There are much easier ways to control a population without destroying economies and making a “fake” virus.

Not only does this type of behavior cause division and confusion, but also causes much grief, death, and creates a massive amount of toxic energy.

Do your research. Look at things from all sides. Don’t let an ego investment in being right, no matter what, set you back ten paces on your own personal path.

In Conclusion

Our intentions can either create toxic energy or they can create healing energies. We could change this world overnight if we put what is best for all, first.

Yes, it’s idealistic, and seemingly naïve, and you could argue that for good to exist, then there must be bad.

But balance is NOT a case of if there is good, then there must be bad. It’s a matter of harmony.

Bad things happen because the balance is out.

When we are in balance, then there is also harmony, and all things tend to flow.

Everyone will have a better time of things.

Just come from a place of Unconditional Love, common sense, and let your actions try to benefit all.

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