33 – The Power Of Free Will

Free Will

In a previous entry, we discussed how World of Warcraft can be used as an analogy for timelines. Now I will explore this further.

Free Will is a concept that suggests we may do anything we wish without restriction. 

Though that doesn’t mean there aren’t any consequences.  All your choices influence who you are, and what happens to you.

Free Will allows us to experience whatever we choose.  When we decide on a direction, all is set up on those higher Astral Levels where our Main Soul aspects exist.

Many people get confused about what Free Will is. They also get confused as to what it means when people say: “This is a world of illusions.”


There are two main Realms of Reality that we should look at.

The first is the Realm of the Absolute. 

This is where you would find what one terms, “God” or “Source”.  It is all that is, will be and ever was.  All there exists in that Realm is Light, Oneness, and Love. Time does not exist.  It’s just the Eternal now.

When all is everything and everything is just Light and Love, it is impossible to know what Oneness is.

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