Over the years, I’ve had several questions on Spirit Guides. The following entries will attempt to answer ones such as, what are Guides? How do you communicate and who can be your Guide(s)?
Guides are something that can be controversial. Many believe they exist while others would argue they are imaginary. That they are a figment of an active or deluded mind.
They aren’t. I’ve had too much evidence to dismiss them as just my imagination. Also, my Guides never gave me the option of dismissing or denying them.
They do exist, though it’s not a given that everyone has them. Or if they do, they are, by default, all wise and all knowing.
What are Guides?
Navigating this world can be tricky without aid. Thanks to the human body, we are often restricted to what we can sense on the 3D level.
Continue reading “189 – The Guide’s Guide – What are Guides?”