86 – The Number of The Beast

Jogging the Memory

In a lot of ways, Omen helped me to remember many things that I had yet to make connections with.

All the clues where there. Many of the messages and comments made by others and my Guides over the decade, suddenly made sense.

Whether it was the intention of Omen to do this or not, I can only speculate. However, I am sure that it was certainly not what other parties wanted.

When I first started talking to him, he would mention names, events, and how things worked. It was totally fascinating, and it opened my eyes to many things that were hidden in plain sight.

I had to remember things on the fly and piece together the information as we were going along. It wasn’t always easy, but, over the years, I had developed a knack of taking on-board information, however improbable it might seem to most.

One of the first things he kept on mentioning was The Triquerta, and how he was forced to work for them, as they held his Binds. Though, from what I eventually discovered, it was the group known as The 12, who had control over those Binds, through the Triquerta.

Continue reading “86 – The Number of The Beast”

85 – The Book of Revelations And 666


The Book of Revelations

There was a time, not too long ago, when I would dismiss The Bible as a book that was generally fictional; however, there was one section in the New Testament that seemed to come up for me time and time again. That is The Book of Revelations.

Back in the 1980s, one of my cousins, a Jehovah’s Witness, asked if I would be interested in joining a Bible study session. I told her that I didn’t believe in it. She said that she was not looking at what had happened, but more about the signs of the Book of Revelations being fulfilled.

I shrugged and dismissed it. After all, The Jehovah Witnesses had often predicted the end of the world.

No Religious Dogma

As mentioned, I’m not religious. In fact, I can’t follow any organized religion. My Guides were unquestionably adamant that it would block my Path. It most certainly would have.

In spite of not believing in anything back in those days, one thing kept resurfacing for me from 1984 onwards. It was the number 666.

As I’m not a Christian, nor have I ever read The Bible, I had no context. Nevertheless, I somehow inherently knew that it was not a good number.

Soon enough, I heard that it was the number of The Beast. Once again, another thing that I dismissed as fantasy.

Continue reading “85 – The Book of Revelations And 666”