123 – Psychic Attacks – Suicide

suicide attacks

Psychic Attacks – Suicide

This is a series that looks at what Psychic Attacks are and what you can do regarding them. This entry we’ll focus on Suicide as a Psychic Attack.


I don’t need to say that suicide is a devastating thing for all concerned.

The rates are always way too high.  Even one is too many.

Some believe that suicide is never justified and it’s a crime against God. Others consider those who take their own life as selfish people.

Many don’t understand why it happens. It creates massive guilt, regret, and “what ifs.”

However, unless you’ve been there, it’s very hard to understand why a person would contemplate taking their own life.

While I can’t say this is the case for every person; I can say with confidence that many suicides, successful or otherwise, are the result of Psychic Attacks.

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