60 – Seth and Osiris – What Really Happened?

Archetype Villain

If mythology ever spawned a bad guy, it was Seth, the Egyptian god of Chaos. A quick Google search and you’ll find that he killed Osiris, was said to be Satan and was jealous of his family.

Of course, it also mentions that he was the son of Geb and NUT.

Technically, you could make the argument that I, as Geb, gave birth to Satan and you could successfully argue that, though you would be wrong.

Satan, Lucifer, Baal, Beelzebub, etc, are Titles. Any demon can claim them if they can defeat the current holder, or the title itself can be passed on to another.

Demon Lord Titles

On this point, Satan and Lucifer are two very different beings. Lucifer (according to Omen, and he would know) is the official devil.

I should hasten to point out that The Devil of The Bible does not actually exist. There is no competition between The Source and Satan for who will gain control of this world. After all, if God is all, and there is nothing outside of Him/Her, then it makes little sense. However, in the Realm of the Relative, where everything has its polar opposite, these things can and do exist.

the realm of the relative, where everything has its polar opposite, these things can exist.


Yes, Seth was known as Satan, but that was way before I rebirthed him. More importantly, Satan isn’t so much a tempter, but a being who enforces contracts that have been made by people during their lifetimes. That’s the job and someone must do it.

But by those who know him, he was never seen as evil and corruptive.

I realize I’m sticking my neck out here by stating this, but it’s an important distinction.  What you see is what you get and, personally, I prefer an “in your face” attitude to the deceit and honey-laden words of the one who carried the Title of Lucifer. (Who seriously wants me dead.)

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