72 – Fall of The Dark Council

Geb and Seth

Eight Years

In a sense, The Dark Council stuck to their agreements right to the very end. Or so it seemed.  They used The Triquerta to attack me.  It was a loophole to be sure, but one I had intended for my own reasons.

However, The Dark Council had made an error in their calculations.  The favor expired around 2012 and they had tried to mess with me in 2004.

You may say that in the scheme of things, 8 years for an agreement that lasted 16,000 years isn’t very long, and you might forgive those few years.

Of course, you can bet that if it was the other way around, The Dark Council would not see it like that.

Loopholes had been used to try and attack me way before that. But loopholes don’t really work for soul agreements once the agreement is enforced.  

If such contracts could not be enforced, then there would be no point making them, nor any point in providing the requested services. You can be sure that ultimately, no matter what, you will have to pay the piper.

They made a major gambit and it failed. At the time, my guides told me that there would be hell to pay when I found out what was going on. Back in 2004, that statement made little sense, but as I started to remember and put together the pieces, the meaning became clearer and clearer.

Failed Negotiations

In mid-2016, I pondered the question of how to not only free Ecclasia, but also those who were now indebted.

As my attempts to negotiate to free her were being ignored, I fell back to the deal that I had made with The Dark Council. Yes, they owed me a favor, but calling on it was the tricky part.

And something nagged at me about it. I knew I clearly had a plan in mind, I just needed to remember what it was.

Eventually, after checking into everything, I knew what I needed to do.

I spoke to the current incarnation of the god, Seth, (Mari) and asked for his help.  

The Contract

Contracts were Seth’s specialty. He knew about loopholes, and how to exploit them. I had him look over the wording of the favor I had made to The Dark Council. He instantly pointed out some flaws, and quickly fixed them.

We both mind travelled to a spot to summon the council, but I did not summon them myself. Seth rightly pointed out that they could turn around and say that this was the favor. I had Seth do that on my behalf.

They all appeared, and I told them I was collecting on my agreement. First, I clarified that the favor needed to be done and completed by the entire council and also clarified that it was the council who would be doing this favor.

I then produced the following Astral created contract stating my favor. I had, with Seth’s help, prepared it in the 3D earlier.

You might ask how one does such a thing. It’s all in the intention of creation while one is interacting with those levels. I visualized the contract being created as I transcribed it from the 3D to the Astral.

The Favour

It read:

“The current members of the Dark Council, their partners, affiliates and consultants, as well as any parties that are currently employed to assist the Dark Council with current agendas and those that currently have continuing obligations to the Dark Council  as well as any and all other parties currently connected that regulate their said business practices. This is also including but is not limited to, any and all activities, businesses, practices, agendas, itineraries and other obligations therefore mentioned that are currently in motion, have been concluded and any future activities on this reality, any other realities and timelines where the Dark Council and all those affiliated with the Dark Council reside, shall hereby be disbanded.

 I remind you that all current, past and future contracts that exist on all realities are now null and void.”

The Loophole

In other words, I took advantage of the loophole which stated that while the council existed, all contracts would be valid. So, to have them disband, even for a moment, would be enough to make all contracts null and void. And that included my own obligations to them by calling in the favor.

Due to the nature of our agreement, this was a favor they did not have the option to refuse.

Free At Last

Instantly, the Council disbanded. There were no debates, there were no words spoken, it just was done.

With that, all the resources and agreements that had been built up for so many thousands of years had been dissolved.

I checked the next morning with my friend I had been trying to free and she mentioned, without any prompting, that her aura had turned white, and it had never done that before. I explained to her about the disbanding and she confirmed it had freed her.

As a result, many beings were freed, including those who had been forced to agree to the Dark Council’s conditions.

Go Home

The same night, an entity took over a body of someone who lived in another country and messaged me on Facebook. He told me to ‘go home’. That I did not belong here, and I was causing problems just by being here. He also threatened to kill me. I obviously ignored him.

It was clear that I had really ticked off someone (or many) and they were not happy with me. It was just more validation that it was real.

Eventually, The Dark Council did reform, but not in its original form. The new one was created by Demon Lords with the sole purpose of taking me down. And while it was called The Dark Council, it was in name only. None of the contracts, resources or artifacts remained.

As for the aftermath, the next entry will cover that.

Below are comments that both Ecclasia and Mari made on this subject.

EcclasiaIt was an instant thing. The shift that happened the moment they disbanded could be felt. Once the dark council was no more, I had a few friends, tell me as well, they felt free from their chains of the contracts enforced by the council. It truly was a game changer.

Mari: I must admit that helping Gary with the wording of this disbanding contract was quite surreal. The wording of the contract had to be precise so they couldn’t weasel their way out of it on any level. They are good at loopholes but not as good as I am.

60 – Seth and Osiris – What Really Happened?

Archetype Villain

If mythology ever spawned a bad guy, it was Seth, the Egyptian god of Chaos. A quick Google search and you’ll find that he killed Osiris, was said to be Satan and was jealous of his family.

Of course, it also mentions that he was the son of Geb and NUT.

Technically, you could make the argument that I, as Geb, gave birth to Satan and you could successfully argue that, though you would be wrong.

Satan, Lucifer, Baal, Beelzebub, etc, are Titles. Any demon can claim them if they can defeat the current holder, or the title itself can be passed on to another.

Demon Lord Titles

On this point, Satan and Lucifer are two very different beings. Lucifer (according to Omen, and he would know) is the official devil.

I should hasten to point out that The Devil of The Bible does not actually exist. There is no competition between The Source and Satan for who will gain control of this world. After all, if God is all, and there is nothing outside of Him/Her, then it makes little sense. However, in the Realm of the Relative, where everything has its polar opposite, these things can and do exist.

the realm of the relative, where everything has its polar opposite, these things can exist.


Yes, Seth was known as Satan, but that was way before I rebirthed him. More importantly, Satan isn’t so much a tempter, but a being who enforces contracts that have been made by people during their lifetimes. That’s the job and someone must do it.

But by those who know him, he was never seen as evil and corruptive.

I realize I’m sticking my neck out here by stating this, but it’s an important distinction.  What you see is what you get and, personally, I prefer an “in your face” attitude to the deceit and honey-laden words of the one who carried the Title of Lucifer. (Who seriously wants me dead.)

Continue reading “60 – Seth and Osiris – What Really Happened?”

40 – Guides, Synchronicity, And Soul Calls

Guides, Synchronicity, And Soul Calls

For those who have been following my life story; you might say it reads like a contrived script for a low budget Hollywood movie or a poorly written fantasy novel.

Everything conveniently happens because plot demands it. Be it encountering certain people, some crucial piece of information I need, or some deux-ex-machina type solution that gets myself or friends out of deep trouble.

If this had been a work of fiction I was reading, I would have thrown the book aside in annoyance by now and gone on a rant about how unrealistic everything is.

However, it’s not fiction.  It’s my life.  It’s really happening; and I doubt I have the skills to make up this kind of story.

Fortunately, there is a valid explanation for how it all works.


Carl Jung coined a term called Synchronicity.  It basically means that there is no such thing as coincidence. Everything that happens has been agreed upon, and events are used to move you forward on your chosen path.  While synchronicities may appear random and by chance, they most certainly are not.

While it’s nice to have a term that describes such things; Carl Jung only put a name to something that has always existed. Most Masters and Beings already know about this phenomenon.

If I tried to personally arrange and coordinate everything for my life to work out the way it has, I’d have more chance at winning the lottery.

Fortunately, there is more than just me. I have guides and helpers who work on many levels. I also have lines of Fate, that help ensure certain outcomes.

The Dakini

I have extraordinary Guides known as the Dakini who I consider to be some of the best guides available. Before I incarnated into this current body, I approached them and asked them for help.

I promised the Dakini certain things in exchange for their assistance.  They agreed.  They have been guiding and guarding my life every step of the way. They are not my only Guides, but they have done an amazing job.

I arranged for my Guides to help me awaken when the time was right. To help remind me who I really am. I told them to never let up, not for a moment.  I also acknowledged what a tedious job it would be for them, repeating the same message over and over to me in my mind.

Thanks to their exceptional skill and effort, my Guides ensure that everything that needs to happen, happens. They make sure that I’m in the right place, at the right time, hearing the information I need, or meeting up with someone who gives me another piece of the puzzle.

What seems like a chance encounter ends up revealing critical information.

When it’s important, my Guides (or me) will put out a Soul Call for those who need to find me.


Two Soul Calls of note (though by no means the only ones), are how my Soul Children located me. Each one felt strongly compelled to find and contact me.

For anyone who has read “I am The Phoenix”, they will know that one Soul Child of note is Seth.  Seth’s current incarnation is in a female body named Mari. Mari literally felt the Soul Call the day it was sent out for other Phoenii to find me. The Soul Call was so strong that she spent the better part of a week trying to track it down, and eventually we met in a chat room that I frequented.

The chat room, Celestine Vision, was based on the philosophy of Synchronicity.  In the year 2000, the Dakini told me they had hired the website administrator to create this chat interface. 

As a result, I gained many vital connections and discovered important information. It all found its way to the chat.

There was an instant connection with Mari. Over the years, we have helped each other to remember and validate our memories, including what happened in our past lives.

When we met neither of us was sure who we really were. All we knew was that we were both Phoenii.  It took me around three years to work out who Mari was, and I often would put theories to my Guides.

At one point, I was so lost, my Guides responded to me:    Now, you’re guessing!

Then one day, late in 2009, I looked at a photo of Mari.  Suddenly, I just knew who she was.  Why I felt it and how; I honestly cannot tell you. I just knew. Just like a parent knows their own child.

When I told Sophie, she asked Nicole who quickly validated it. She had known Seth in many of her incarnations and knew exactly who she was.

And it’s been chaos ever since…

NUT Goddess Of The Sky

The other Soul Call was my Twin Soul, NUT (pronounced “noot”).

In 2012, a year after I had accepted that I was Geb, I idly thought to myself that I must have a sister and that NUT may be somewhere out there. 

I sent a quick mental call out to her and promptly forgot about it.

It couldn’t have been more than 36 hours later; I received an e-mail from someone who claimed to feel strongly compelled to contact me. She said she needed help and that it felt like her heart was breaking.


Her name was Moon, she lived in Canada and when I spoke to her, I felt a very strong sense that I knew her.  She believed she was the goddess ISIS. (As NUT was the mother of ISIS, and they carry a very similar energy, it made sense.)

I soon realized that she wasn’t ISIS. That she was NUT, herself, and a fully manifested Avatar at that.

Moon was her real name.  According to mythology, NUT was considered to be the Mother of the Moon and Sun; including the title Goddess of the Sky.

To add confirmation, her Facebook email also was, “Goddess of the Sky.”

Past Issues

You would think this would have been a happy reunion.  On the contrary, we had parted on bad terms.  Moon was still extremely angry with me because I had chosen Seth over what she had wanted.

Moon wrote to me:    I shall let you choose your path. And I will never try to influence you. I think this affected me a lot more than it did to[sic] you.

     You forgot one thing, that I was your wife and your decisions affected me. You decided to do things without thinking about me.  I wish you would think how I would feel.  But I don’t know why that meant we were not together.  I still can’t accept it.

Moon was also adamantly pushing me to go to Canada and be with her.  I knew this would be a very bad idea.

I won’t go into the details, but Moon became angry with me.  Especially when I told her I could not be with her because I was in a relationship.  After a few weeks, she abruptly blocked me and stopped talking.


The whole episode left me feeling bemused. Not only was it another confirmation that I was Geb, but I felt I had opened up a hornet’s nest of unresolved issues that I had been oblivious to.  (I soon discovered that she wasn’t the only one I had jilted, though that would be another story.)

It was three and a half years later when Moon finally made contact with me again. She told me she was living in New York, and she didn’t remember everything that had happened between us; but she knew it was time to let go of the past and move forward.

Moon felt genuine, and I felt a sense of relief that we could at least reconcile.


In another amazing Synchronicity, I ended up living in Toronto, Canada for 6 months in 2016 to early 2017.  Moon also ended up there at the same time and we lived 30 minutes away from each other.

We were able to meet up several times, and having met Moon in person, I have no doubt she is who I thought:  NUT.

There was no pull to be with her, though. But there was a flow. In the 3D, however, we are just too different to be together.

We have our own ideas on how things should be done. She is technically my opposite, after all.

Soul Binds

So many individuals have found me over the years when I’ve sent out a Soul Call. To date many associates, and my Soul Children, have found me.  Such people help validate who I am, the memories we share, and many of the things that have gone on.

Those who I first thought were allies, turned out to be anything but.

Thus, along with people such as those who remember their past lives, it helps to build a much bigger picture.

I have been blessed with so many wonderful people who have come into my life. I started off from a place where I felt I was totally alone and have found that, over the years, I am far from that.

Death Do Us Part

We become Soul Bound by acts of love, hate, anger, revenge, curses and so on.

This is one good reason to think carefully before attacking someone in your current life or making any deal or agreement with a particular person. Death is not the end of our association, by any means.

With that being said, I am grateful that someone saw fit and was wise enough to include the statement: “Till death do us part,” in marriage vows.  At least those vows won’t carry over into other lives.