139 – Psychic Attacks – The Weather (2/4)


Melbourne Storms

This is a series that looks at what Psychic Attacks are and what you can do regarding them. This entry we’ll focus on how Weather can be influenced by humans with more examples of what I’ve done.

Following on from my last entry about praying for rain, it just so happened that this week produced another example of such consequences.

In Australia, we’ve had some pretty bad bushfires. This happens every ten or so years. They tend to be inevitable as this is the kind of country we live in.

From what I’ve heard, Australian government policies about being allowed to clear growth to protect your property are forbidden and can attract fines.

So, when fires happen, they destroy things in a major way.

Group Prayers

Recently, there were calls online for people to join group prayers for sending rain to the fires.

Well, we got it, in spades. Floods, golf sized (and larger) hail stones (in spite of it being mid-summer) and damaging weather.

Mind you, it fell in many areas that had no danger of fire, but that’s what can happen when groups pray indiscriminately, without thinking of constraints and consequences.

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