154 – Past Lives – Personal Experiences.

Past Lives

Where Can You Find Past Life Readings?

This entry we continue our look at Past Lives and answer a question by a lady called Rachel, who asked: How does someone go about having a Past Life Reading?

Generally, you can search for them online by Googling Past Life Reading Services.

They are not hard to find. However, finding a Reader who is both reputable and accurate can be tricky.

Also, even if you do find someone genuine and talented, you may not find the results to your liking.

Back when I was seeking my own Past Life readings, I found them in ads from health and spiritual magazines.

While I believe some have the ability to go into a trance or can be hypnotized into a state that may allow Past Life recall, I feel that this technique does not work on a good many out there.

Personal Readings

I’ve had a few Past Life readings in this life. They were all in the mid to late 90s and none of them felt right.

Continue reading “154 – Past Lives – Personal Experiences.”