159 – Soul Contracts – Land and Property

land and property

Land and Property

This series looks at Soul Contracts. We will discuss if they exist, what they are, and what the traps and pitfalls may be. This entry discusses land and property, and how we own (or rather do not) own it. We also look at what do to if it’s haunted.

I’m going to be lazy here and do things the easy way (for me).

For those who have read my books, I am The Phoenix and The Empath Guidebook, you’ll know one of my techniques is to channel my Guides to get answers.

In this case, I am just going to channel my Higher Self. (Technically, it’s just still me, Geb, on a much higher level.)

Responses are in italics


I wish to discuss Soul Contracts.

They come up a lot with people I help or deal with.

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