134 – Psychic Attacks – Personal & “Fixing” Attacks

fixing people

Personal Attacks

This is a series that looks at what Psychic Attacks are and what you can do regarding them. This entry we’ll focus on Personal Attacks. This is also a mini-Rant.

Personal Attacks are yet another type of Psychic Attack and there are still many to go. This particular one is a bit of a mixed bag as it tends to come under one umbrella.

It’s about how our interpersonal relationships with those around us are used to make us become guarded, isolated, and shut down.

Like most types of psychic attacks, this one can be emotionally devastating. The Target can feel completely alone.

How this may happen is when you share something of a sensitive nature, allowing yourself to become vulnerable, then it ends up being used against you.

If you are venting or have a need to talk to someone, that person then may turn around and attack you, or worse, tell someone else, thus betraying your confidence.

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