153 – Past Lives – Why don’t we remember?

Past Lives

Past Lives

Past Lives are a topic that many find fascinating.

We all want to know who we were in the past. Was it someone famous? Did we make an impact? Are we still remembered today?

While past life readings may be interesting for us, there are certainly dangers and pitfalls to consider when looking to get one.

This series looks at a few things about past lives and some of the questions that have come up.

Do Past Lives Even Exist?

In spite of some religions teaching us that we only get one life, I can state, unequivocally, that this is not true. Not only have most of us had previous lives, but there is no limit on how many you can have.

To my mind, it’s staggering that this could even be a debate, especially with so much evidence around.

The problem is that you can’t definitively prove that it is so to the average person. For the same token, you can’t disprove it either.

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