152 – Will The Seals of Revelations Be Removed?

The Seals

The Seals of Revelation are said to be seals on The Gaia’s Earth Chakras. At least, according to what I’ve seen and had confirmed. 

Let’s take a look at what it means for us in this current day and age.


I am not a big fan of prophecy.

For a start, it is tricky to predict the future due to several reasons.

  • Nothing is set in concrete. That means that even a potential outcome can be changed at the 11th hour if enough people choose and act upon it.
  • The timelines are always shifting. Even if you can correctly predict an event, such as the end of the world, the collective consciousness that is tied to Humanity can choose to continue on in an alternate reality. This new version will be so close to the current ones that only a few will notice. This is what is now called The Mandela Effect.
  • Some predictions are way off base or so vague that they could be interpreted as meaning anything. These kind are the worst because they are useless before the event and can be made to fit after it.

Time Is An Illusion

One of Omen’s skills was that he was able to see potential timelines and outcomes. But even he wasn’t able to fully see what was coming in this particular period of time.

This is because time, as we know it, really is an illusion. It’s a construct that has been created for the purposes of allowing us to experience life in a sequential manner.

Reason being, if everything is happening “now,” then it’s very hard to learn and make progress.

That’s why events that happened many thousands of years ago, and were never resolved, are still going on today.

Now there are some caveats to that.

One of them being that certain events will take place, if they are agreed to, beforehand.

Things Are Playing Out Differently

This is not the first time we have been in this cycle. We’ve been through it all before. How many times, I cannot say for certain, but I can state that this is at least the second time.

Except this time, things are playing out differently. Certain events that we remembered from the previous timeline have not happened.

They are unlikely to do so now because groups, such as The 12, decided to learn from their mistakes and circumvent events that would end up proving their undoing.


Because time is an illusion, and because this has happened before, books, such as Revelations, from The Bible, can be written by those who remember, to prophesize the future.

I can tell you, for a fact, that much in that book is either out of context or is lacking the proper historical background to understand it in today’s settings.

I’ve already been through why I believe that the so called End Times are upon us.

It’s also clear that things are not playing out as they did the time before.

What that means for us, remains to be seen. Who will prevail is unknown. It’s the ultimate game of chess.

Time Is Up

Some events, as mentioned, are likely to happen because they are agreed to beforehand.

One of them is the removal of the Seals on The Gaia, which I believe are the Seals mentioned in The Book of Revelations.

Twenty thousand years or so ago, The Gaia agreed to the Seals being placed on Her major chakras. This was in order to protect Her from The Annunaki. Much of Her power and access to certain portals were blocked as a consequence.

The Gaia also agreed that, after twenty thousand years, the Seals would be released. It was understood that this would be the right time for it to happen.

Now, that time is nearing.

Soul Locked

You may ask if anyone can release the Seals?

The answer is no. It would be foolhardy to try.

The Seals are what we call, “Soul Locked.”

This means that your Soul’s energy signature has been embedded into a seal.

It also means that you are fully responsible for that Seal.

It’s important that all parties involved agree to this being done, otherwise you risk compromising your own Soul energy. The downside to this type of lock is that you must take on some of its properties. Hence, a Seal that will block the power of another being will likewise do the same to the one who creates the seal.

If another party attempts to remove a rightfully placed Seal, they will risk compromising their own energy and may end up forfeiting part of their Soul to the sealers.

What Will Happen?

What will happen if those Seals are released? I am not sure. Much of it will depend on how Humanity is acting. Is Humanity still being toxic and self-entitled? Is Humanity claiming ownership of land that it did not create instead of being a Custodian and working with the energies of the area?

It could be a calamity or life could go on, much as before.

All I can say is that, so far, things are playing out as predicted.

I keep on hoping that I’m just some delusional person who is making this all up, but I’m told by those who know me that I am not.

I’m also told this is stage one of three stages that will be spread out over the next 12 years.

Once Again. Stop Being Toxic.

This is a warning to Humanity. Start to change your ways. (Not you, dear Reader. I am sure you’re doing the best you can.)

Just because a law allows you to do something, such as exploit the system or people, it doesn’t mean you should do it.

Even if you don’t believe anything I have written. Even if you don’t believe I am Geb, or The Phoenix, this should be a no brainer.

I shouldn’t have to tell you any of this. But I am. Once again.

I beg you to take note before it’s too late.

Once again, I urge people to stop being toxic.

Those Seals will be released. Not yet, but it’s coming.

Let’s change our behavior and make this world a place where all can benefit from its wonderful gifts.

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