176 – The Resurrection – Rebirth

The Resurrection – Rebirth

This is a two part look at what The Resurrection, spoken of in The Bible, may be.  The first was about the body. This entry will look at the Soul and the process of Rebirth.

What is The Resurrection about?

For what it’s worth, here is my take on it.

I believe The Resurrection, or The Rebirth, is not about the body. It’s about the Soul.

Over many lifetimes, both here and on other places (such as the 5D), the Soul starts to get fragmented and damaged. Layers get stripped away through traumas, attacks, or even just wear and tear.

Yes, our Soul is immortal, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be hurt. Any Soul Eater will tell you that. You can also bargain away layers of your being or spread yourself so thin that you can barely keep track of it all.

Some have had experiments done on them, where layers have been stripped away and added.

What Is It?

The Resurrection is a healing of our Lightbody. A rebirth, that is a reforge back to its original state. For some, it may be even an enhanced version of themselves. That would depend on what they have done and how much they have progressed.

Omen once said something to me that I have mulled over a lot. As mentioned in an earlier entry, it was:  After all, you get to just resurrect the trash every damn time. You fuckers and your Source don’t know how good you’ve got it.

I could not help but feel that he wasn’t talking about the physical body, but the Souls that had been destroyed.

I never sought to clarify what he meant though. It just wasn’t the right time.

Broken Vase

So, Rebirthing or The Rebirth, is a method of restoring Souls, so they are whole and healed.

It’s one thing to bring all the pieces together, but it’s another thing to make them stick.

It’s like trying to fix a broken vase with glue as opposed to refiring it in a kiln.

No doubt, those who read this are wondering: Can this be done?

The answer is yes. In fact, from the reports I’m getting, it’s happening now.

Who Will It Happen To?

I feel a Rebirth will happen for those who are ready.

It doesn’t matter who you are or what you’ve done. There isn’t even anything special you need do.

It doesn’t really take much. Just a decent intention.

You don’t have to be a saint.  There is no religion or faith you must follow. Having your own set of ethics and / or creed is fine, as long as you stick to them.

You just need to not be malicious, not exploit others, and do the right thing as much as you can.

Yes, mistakes will be made. We all do things we are not proud of or say things we wish we could unsay. Even if you are the only one who cares or remembers it even happened.

What is important is who you are working to be. What actions you are taking and how true to yourself you can stay.

Granted, this is not easy by any means, as it can mean a lonely, depressing, and frustrating path at times. It doesn’t have to be that way, but too often it is, for many.

How Long Does It Take?

This process of Rebirth is not instant. It’s not as though you will go to sleep one night and wake up in the morning feeling whole and healed. (Though, I have seen it occur just once, where the results were instant, but that is apparently rare and I am not convinced it was all that it appeared to be.)

It is possible, but at this stage, it’s the exception rather than the rule.

For the cases I’ve known, it’s a process that can last anywhere from a week to a few months. It often depends on how much healing is needed, how many layers are restored and if there are any upgrades. (As in new abilities added, which also can occur.)

Even once the process is completed, there will be time needed to adjust and attune to the new “You.”

Will It Happen To Everyone At Once?

From what I understand, the expectation of The Rebirth, is that this will occur to all at the same time.

The reality is that it’s a work in progress. It won’t all happen at once. To do so, would violate Free Will.

How this will eventually play out, I am not sure. While it has most certainly begun, it may also take years for it to be completed.

But it’s happening now and it’s real.

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