128 – Psychic Attacks – Reality Attack

What Is Reality?

This is a series that looks at what Psychic Attacks are and what you can do regarding them. This entry we’ll focus on what a Reality Attack is.

Before we begin, the question we should ask is: What is reality?

This is one of those questions that has been debated by all types. Philosophers, religious people, Atheists, Scientists, et cetera.

On the 3D dimensional level, on this giant rock we call Earth, reality seems straight forward. If you can feel it, see it or sense it with our five senses, then it must be real.

Easy to Dismiss

Physics and mathematics can not only define our 3D laws but allows us to do some amazing things. Such as space travel, tall buildings that seemingly defy gravity, day to day technology, and so on.

While the physical world we live in is something science can quantify, the same cannot be said for the Astral Realms.

The issue is that, at least right now, we don’t have the equipment to see the Astral Levels, or at the very least, prove their existence.

I think this is a good thing. It’s already bad enough with those who can see or sense what is going on without adding governments to the picture. Though, it would not surprise me if governments have found a way to mess with our 3D reality.

The point here is that unless you are psychic, gifted, or happen to be a walk-in or along those lines, then it’s easy to dismiss that other dimensional realms do exist.


Most people are skeptical that such things are possible. They don’t believe in demonics, angelics, ghosts, gods and so on. I’ve seen many go out of their way to demean, attack and belittle those who do. (We don’t need demonics with that type of attitude…)

From time to time, I receive emails asking me if I’m really who I claim to be. I can’t blame them. If it were me, I’d question it, too. My response is always don’t trust me, trust what you’re feeling. But I digress.

If you are one of those people who happened to have met extraordinary beings, such as Omen, or have experienced events that just can’t be explained away, you will find it hard to not believe in the paranormal and Astral Worlds.

Losing Their Sanity

Regardless of proof, there will always be those who believe they are crazy or, at least, losing their sanity.

Doctors, scientists, and people in general will suggest that it’s all in their mind.

They will come up with explanations that make no sense, but sound technical, so they must know what they’re talking about, right?

The problem is that such people do not understand the connection between body and Soul. They mistake the body for the Soul and many insist, emphatically that there is no such thing as a Soul!

With no validation, especially from those who are said to know better, the stage is set for a Reality Attack and the target will experience a spiritual crisis, where they will believe, and act, as though they are crazy.

Reality Attack

This type of psychic attack has you doubting your own reality.

While you are experiencing a spiritual or paranormal event in your life, it will feel very real. There will be little to no doubt that something unusual is going on. It may even be life changing and trigger an Awakening.

But when you wake up the next day, you will be convinced that none of it was real. That parts of it didn’t happen the way you remembered it.

You will forget vital details or find ways to invalidate evidence that would provide solid proof.

In short, you may just dismiss what you experienced and forget it ever happened. Or, if it was intense enough, you’ll keep it as one of those spooky stories for the campfire or Halloween.

Shrug It Off

I’ve personally experienced a Reality Attack daily for the past few decades.

I wake up convinced that I could not be The Phoenix or Geb. That it was all in my imagination and the best thing I could do was forget all about it and get on with my 3D life.

Nowadays, I just shrug it off. I know better. I still get Reality Attacks, but I’m way past the point of no longer believing.

I once asked Omen about it and he confirmed that, yes, it was a type of psychic attack. He was not going to tell me how it was done, though. But that was validation that such psychic attacks were real.


Reality Attacks are also used on people around you.

I’ve have experienced this many times.

Even if people have demonstrated certain skills and abilities beyond any doubt, they will soon get messages in their mind that it wasn’t real. Or worse, they should not trust me because I mean them harm. (A message, it seems, nearly everyone gets.)

I’ve lost count of how many have told me that they hear this in their thoughts.

Most say they pay it no heed, but I do know that many do succumb. (Though, I feel that’s probably for the best. Such people tended to be energy vampires.)


The point of a Reality Attack is to disempower the target, or those who they are trying to help, and make them feel or believe that none of this is real. This way, they may be pulled off their path and fail to do what their soul mission may be.

Even though it’s blatantly suspect that you might suddenly feel none of this is real, many will still buy into this mindset, and go back to their spiritual sleep.

A few, though, will ignore this attack and persist and grow as beings.

What I can assure you of is this.

Reality Attacks are real. What you have experienced is real. Just because science cannot prove such things yet does not mean its non-existent.

Trust in what you feel. Write it down while it’s fresh in your mind. Memories can be messed with but journals are not as easy to tamper with.

Also, keep any written records backed up in the Cloud.  There are free and secure options, such as Dropbox, that have plenty of space for documents. I’ve seen my fair share of computer crashes where people lose everything.


Reality Attacks should not be ignored or dismissed. If you find yourself doubting your reality, then chances are that one is happening to you.

They will use techniques, such as playing on your victimhood, resentment, or the very overused “But it’s only just me. There is nothing special about me,” message.

And to that I say, if that were true, then you would not be experiencing anything. In fact, it would be more likely that they would be messing with your ego and trying to convince you how important and superior you are.

Trust In Your Feelings

In conclusion, if you experience a Reality Attack, remember what it is. Stand in your own power. No one can tell you that something did not happen. Especially if they were not there. They do not know better than you. They do not always know more than you.

Trust in your feelings. They are your Soul’s GPS.

Next: More Psychic Attacks – Apathy Attack

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