177 – Psychic Energy

Psychic Energy

Psychic Energy is something we all have. In this entry, we look at what it is and why we should use it sparingly.

We are complex beings.  Different Souls or entities are powered by different energy sources.

For instance, a demonic being generally feeds off of negative energy while a sexual one, such as a Succubus will feed on sexual energy.

Some will feed on universal energy and some are self-empowering.

Pool of Energy

Whatever the source may be, we all tend to have a pool of energy that will become depleted over time.

Much of it is tied to our Lifeforce, which is what helps bind body and Soul together and helps keep us energized throughout our life.

At some point, normally in our 40’s, the Lifeforce stops generating as strongly as it once did and our energy, looks (aka glamor), and endurance start to fade.


From what I understand, the bulk of the Lifeforce energy is in the base of the spine and is generally referred to as The Kundalini. This energy is something that should not be messed with under any circumstances, as it can not only burn out the body, but also damage damage your Lightbody.

The energy I wish to focus on for this entry is called Psychic Energy. Or, at least, that’s what I call it.

It’s the energy that we use when we are trying to use psychic abilities on some level. This is something that is done automatically when we are trying to discern information or work out a truth, intuitively. Empaths use it, but never realize it.

The Third Eye

While in the human body, the Sixth Chakra, which we refer to as The Third Eye, is what controls our access to Psychic Energy.

Any psychic activity tends to activate that energy center and will open it. This makes it easier to sense things and use psychic phenomenon.

Someone who works on intuition, rather than logic, will naturally use a lot of psychic energy than someone who is very logical and rational.

While logic and rationality are good traits, they will not help you very much when dealing with the Astral worlds.

You cannot apply 3D concepts to non-3D realms. Things simply do not work the same as they do here on this mudball we call Earth.


Psychic Energy is used in everything from sensing energies, validation of your intuition, communicating with spirits, seeing potential futures, and tracing past lives. If it’s psychic, it will require the use of this energy.

The more you develop your skills, the less you will need to use, as you tend to develop a knack for things.

There is a problem, though. Psychic Energy tends to have its limits. Once it’s used up and you become depleted, it literally hurts the Third Eye to continue using it..

You cannot continue without a break of some kind. If you do push yourself, it will lead to psychic burnout, which is a form of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Describing Burnout

For anyone who has ever been depleted on Psychic Energy, they will know that this type of burnout is no joke. The pain is hard to describe. It’s not physical, but at the same time, it hurts. It’s like suddenly emerging into too much light and your senses become overwhelmed.

Mental exhaustion then sets in and everything becomes a massive effort. Thinking, remembering, feeling motivation to do simple tasks, and just even wanting to interact with others.

Left unchecked, it can cause your chakras to burn out or fragment. (Yes, this is a thing, though chakras can be replaced by someone who knows enough on what they are doing.)


Psychics who stand on stage for hours, passing on messages from the departed, really annoy me. They bring the genuine psychics into disrepute and give the wrong impression about how it all works.

I defy anyone to channel messages, connect at will to departed spirits, in a way that the likes of Sylvia Browne (now deceased) and John Edwards, and the likes, claim, without becoming depleted and burned out.

I believe it’s not possible. Their methods always set off my bullshit detector. (Which is pretty damn accurate.) If they are using psychic energy, it’s to gage which audience member is most vulnerable.

Still, people will believe what they want to. Especially from those who know how to play on hopes, fears, and emotions.

On a karmic level, there are consequences for such actions. Do not feel too bad for them when the piper comes a-calling.


I am aware that many suggest and support the use of mind-altering drugs to unlock and enhance their powers.

I know I am in the minority, but I do not recommend this under any circumstances. There are inherent dangers taking drugs. While the effects on the body and mind are well documented, they can damage our Lightbody and will not help your psychic energy levels.

Drugs can also compromise the connection you have over your body, and allow other beings in, that can take it over and really cause trouble. This can often be seen when someone gets drunk, and their personalities appear to change. (A meek person may become violent, for example.)

Also, I believe that using drugs is a cheat’s way out. I really don’t care how many so called masters and mystics have advocated them. The fact they needed them at all to enter trances shows that they did not work and earn those skills.


This may sound harsh, but there really is no short cut to mastering these powers.

I’m at a point in my life where I can invoke them and my psychic energy at will, but it took decades of practice, and I’m still learning. Anyone who knows me knows that I have never touched drugs or even been drunk.

You may get results in the short term, but they will cost you, and make it all that much harder to develop those skills organically.

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[…] lead to psychic burnout if you are not careful. Many Soul Calls require you to access your psychic energy so you can find answers or pass on […]

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