120 – Psychic Attacks: Detection and Tracking

Psychic Attacks:   Detection and Tracking

This is a series that looks at what Psychic Attacks are and what you can do regarding them.  In this entry we’ll look at how to detect if someone is under attack and how to trace it.

The Challenge

Many people ask me how I trace a Psychic Attack and block it.

I am going to try and explain.  It works for me, but I seem to be able to do things that others find truly challenging.

I find that practice and trusting in what you are feeling is important. Most people worry if they will look or sound dumb. They worry if they might be wrong and end up losing credibility.

I certainly used to. However, nowadays I don’t.  If I’m wrong, I’m wrong, and it means I find out more about what not to do.  Still, I am known for having a very high accuracy rate.

Practice, practice, practice, and trust in what your intuition is telling you.

Flow And Resistance

There is something tangible when you are tracing energies. You can literally feel it in your Mind’s Eye, or what is more commonly known as The Third Eye.

When you hit something that is “solid,” it will translate to that feeling in your mind.

If nothing is there, then you will feel no resistance.

A proficient Psychic can connect to someone or something, touch or feel the energy, and tell you what it is.  (Unless it’s something they have not yet come across, then it can take time to work that out.)

The Human Body

There are energy links and lines everywhere. There are vortexes and portals. Spirits and entities are on all levels. Everything you do leaves an energy signature that allows others to trace it, no matter where you are.

The human body is amazing at shielding us from all this information. Without it, we would sense and feel everything that is going on around us. This could be overwhelming and drive one mad.

The same protection the body gives us, also prevents awareness of important information.

If you happen to be a Walk-In, perceiving psychic activity is far easier as you are not as connected to the body. There are pros and cons to this. While I’m not a fan of those who use this method, I also acknowledge that there are times when it’s important to do this.

Fortunately, for those of us who are born into their bodies, you can, with some practice, override those blocks that dampen those perceptions and sense/trace energies at will.

For some, it’s a natural, innate ability. For others, it’s harder because they aren’t aware of it, they don’t believe in it, and they certainly don’t trust the information they are getting.

Daily Practice

I’ve now reached the point where what I feel translates to a vision in my Mind’s Eye. The more I do this, the easier it becomes.

Thanks to decades of daily practice, I can trace the energy lines with relative ease. Some of them are well hidden, and some are hard to access.  But, knowing that something is present is at least the first step.


One thing that must be noted is that any work of this kind requires psychic energy.

This is a separate pool of resource that most tend to have. If we use it all up, and go beyond our limits, we will start to fatigue and become vulnerable to attacks. We may not have enough energy to protect ourselves.

For those into Fantasy Role Playing Games, you can liken Psychic Energy to mana.

Mana is what is used for doing anything magical, such as casting spells or using a special ability. When the mana bar gets low or runs out, you can’t do anything more until you’ve replenished it.

This is a wonderful analogy for our own psychic energy. We have a limited amount (though you can increase it with practice) and once it’s depleted, you will run into problems, and even health issues like burn out.

So do not push yourself beyond your limits unless you are confident of your abilities.

The Source

Once you trace those lines, you can often follow them to the source of the attack. This may be a parasite, a demonic, a magick user or even a human. This is important because if you don’t stop it at the source, then it will be free to attack again.

Having said that, knowing the source does not mean you might always have the means to block them or that it’s even safe to do so.

Always proceed with caution and treat all things with a healthy respect. If in doubt of your safety, you should seek out someone who does know what they are doing and is well protected.

I’ve seen people become possessed by the very thing they sought to remove. Entities can jump from victim to practitioner. You need to be free of judgement, malice, and ego, otherwise it will be used to corrupt you.

Hidden Places

Some beings are well shielded, too. They may be wearing energy cloaks that can hide their presence. They also might be in a bubble that neutralizes the energy links. Such things may be hard to trace, unless you are looking for them.

Others may be hiding in what I call Astral Corridors. These are hidden places in the Astral Levels that are in the Main Astral Plain. It allows an entity a place to observe, without being seen. Sometimes, I’ll give the Astral Corridors a good shake and a lot of nasty things tend to fall out from them.

Some may be on levels that you would never normally wish to go, such as the Underworld realms. That is where you’ll find many demonics.

Disrupt the Lines

While I can detect and track disturbances in the Astral, related to Psychic Attacks, it does not always follow that I am able to block them.

For the ones I can block, I can send energy to disrupt the lines. You could equate it to crimping a hose.

When there are Portals and Vortexes, I visualize them as an iris that is closing and vanishing.

If I see an Astral Parasite, I’ll cover it in Light, and ask my Guides to dispose of it.

If I come across a demonic, I’ll either try to strike an Agreement for it to leave, bind it or banish it, depending on the issues behind their Psychic Attack.

Should the energy or meridians in the body be blocked, I’ll either work to clear them or reroute them.

If the chakras are burnt out or out of balance, I’ll restore them or replace them. (And yes, you can replace and even create new chakras in a body.)

Third Eye Scanning

Finally, there is a method I use that I’ve dubbed Third Eye Scanning. I’ve created a video on it, so please go watch it for a very simple, but effective way of detecting if someone is being attacked.

Next: Psychic Attacks – The physical body and curses. 

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