118 – Psychic Attacks: Introduction

Psychic Attacks:   Introduction

Psychic Attacks are attacks on your astral or physical body, normally done remotely.  In this series, we are going to take an in-depth look at what Psychic Attacks are, the many types of attacks, and how to protect yourself against them. This will be a multi-part series  that will be packed full of useful information.

Hard to Prove

Psychic Attacks are one of the most effective ways of removing someone who is considered a problem.

More effective than killing the body.  More subtle than sending “Da Boyz” to put the competition “on ice.”

It’s not illegal to attack someone in this manner.  There are a couple of reasons for this.

Psychic Attacks are hard to prove.

Unless you happen to be a psychic and can trace energies, you might not even be aware an attack is happening.

The other reason is Psychic Attacks are not recognized as a legitimate form of attack in a court of law.

Many do not believe in them. They are considered delusions or the product of a highly active imagination. Something to be mocked or made light of.

I’ve come across people who will simply dismiss that they are happening or are real, even when presented with proof.  I find this frustrating, as I feel some should know better.

Just because you don’t believe in something, doesn’t mean it isn’t real and does not exist.

It’s like saying there’s no such thing as germs, just because you can’t see them.

Of course, with the right tools, you can. The same can be said for Psychic Attacks.

You don’t need to be in the same country or even have a human body to perform a Psychic Attack on a target.

While they are not illegal in the 3D world, there will always be consequences for those who use them to attack others.

Survive or Fail

I know a great deal about Psychic Attacks as I’ve spent most of my life under them. They were used as pre-emptive strikes, in an attempt, to stop me from becoming a problem.

For me, it was either learn about them to survive or fail. There was no middle ground.

Even knowing that you are under Psychic Attack does not automatically mean you won’t be affected.  I have come close to succumbing at times, but I’m stubborn and tenacious.

Psychic Attacks are one of the main reasons many commit suicide. This will be covered in an upcoming entry.  I encourage you to pass this information onto others, as it may save a life.

What Is A Psychic Attack?

Let’s begin by looking at what a Psychic Attack is.

There are several types, and most are a variation within these subsets. I will go into more details in upcoming entries.

Emotional Attacks

These target your weakest emotional points. Your chinks in the armor, so to speak. If you suffer from guilt, trauma, anger, frustration, or any unhealed emotions, they can be used against you.

Bach Flower Remedies are tailor made to counter such attacks as they help heal such emotions.

Lightbody Attacks

We are a Soul in a human body.  In spite of what we may think, we are not our bodies. They simply house who we are, Soulwise.

While the human body gives strong protection to our Lightbodies, we can still be assaulted while in the Astral. This normally occurs when we sleep, have an OBE or are meditating without putting the proper protections in place.

Third Party Attacks

If you are well protected, then those around you might be used to attack you instead.

Who Initiates Psychic Attacks?

There is no specific demographic on who will use them, as they can be done by anyone.  Nonetheless, they are a stock tool in trade for negative beings or entities.

From experience and observations, there are several types who tend to use them as their primary form of attack.

Demonics (which can include demons, fallen angels and those that reside on the Lower Astral worlds.)

Magic practitioners, such as Witches, Mages, or those adept with the art of magic, curses, and ritual.

Yes, you read that right.  Not only are these types of people real, but they are everywhere.

There are many magickal arts out there. Voodoo, Hoodoo, Black Magic, Chaos Magic, Blood Magic and Generational Curses are some that immediately come to mind.

In the right hands, they can all be potent and devastating; especially if someone chooses to invoke a god or a demon.

Steep Price

All such rituals come with a steep price that will long outlast the current life that they are cast in.

Psychic Attacks are very common, and you never know who is adept at doing them.

This is one of the reasons why you should never troll or attack someone online.  A curse can easily be put on you.  All they need is your energy signature; which anyone who is halfway decent at their craft can find and trace.

But Why?

So why would anyone use Psychic Attacks to attack someone?

There are several reasons.

The most obvious one is revenge for being slighted, attacked or cheated. This can create generational curses. Such attacks will bind all parties involved together for each lifetime until they run their course or are broken.

You might be considered a threat to their way of life. Demonics are usually motivated by this one since most want to either kill, banish, or enslave their target.

You might be considered a food source. This is more common with demonics and entities who need negative energy to sustain themselves.

You might be part of their reproductive cycle. This is generally Astral based, but astral rape does happen, and energies can be seeded. Also, Beings, such as astral parasites, can use the energy to reproduce.

Do NOT Retaliate

To block and stop such attacks, you need to know the source. That can be tricky; but in my experience, when the time is right, you will always find out.

One thing I wish to make clear here is that no matter how tempting it is or how capable you are of attacking back, do not do it. 

No battle, war, or Being has ever been defeated by this method.  It just perpetuates the problem. Though they may be defeated in the moment, at some point, they will rise again.

The only exceptions to this, that I am aware of, is that the circumstances, that created the problem to begin with, are changed.

It must be acknowledged, that in the 3D world, one may have no choice but to defend themselves, those they love and their way of life, when one country attacks another.

This is more part of a collective energy rather than a personal one. The way to react and respond is complex and nuanced. This guide is not intended for such things. Though there may be situations where it may be applicable, it is intended for dealing with Psychic Attacks on an individual level.

The best way to deal with Psychic Attacks is by raising your energies and vibrations to a level where such attacks can no longer have any effect on you.

Next entry, we will look at the signs of attacks.

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