134 – Psychic Attacks – Personal & “Fixing” Attacks

Personal Attacks

This is a series that looks at what Psychic Attacks are and what you can do regarding them. This entry we’ll focus on Personal Attacks. This is also a mini-Rant.

Personal Attacks are yet another type of Psychic Attack and there are still many to go. This particular one is a bit of a mixed bag as it tends to come under one umbrella.

It’s about how our interpersonal relationships with those around us are used to make us become guarded, isolated, and shut down.

Like most types of psychic attacks, this one can be emotionally devastating. The Target can feel completely alone.

How this may happen is when you share something of a sensitive nature, allowing yourself to become vulnerable, then it ends up being used against you.

If you are venting or have a need to talk to someone, that person then may turn around and attack you, or worse, tell someone else, thus betraying your confidence.


It’s not always about venting, though. Sometimes, it may just be a casual remark, which you immediately don’t give another thought to. Perhaps it’s just a throwaway line that might be meant as a joke or said in an ironic vein.

Then, out of nowhere, you find yourself engaged in an endless, frustrating argument which has little to nothing to do with anything you’ve ever thought about or intended.

It doesn’t really matter what you say or do at this point, the other person(s) will have a point to prove and will not let up until they hear what they want to hear.

Everything that is said may then be turned against you. If you try to explain, you’ll be told you are being defensive or are over-sensitive. Effectively, you are in a no-win situation.

I have personally cut friends loose and ended relationships for doing this to me. In the end, I decided that I didn’t need such toxic people in my life.


When something like this happens, chances are that it’s a Personal Attack that incorporates an Attack of Amplification.

This type of psychic attack can lead to eroding trust with people you are close with. If it happens enough, one will eventually learn to keep silent and not share anything. Then you will shut down emotionally.

This may eventually result in loneliness and a feeling of isolation.

It won’t matter if you are surrounded by friends, in a crowd or with peers. You may still feel terribly alone, depressed and misunderstood.

When an Attack of Amplification is used in this personal manner, it can make one feel like no one cares and they have no support system.

The sense of being alone is so painful that many choose to end their life because of it.

The Tendency to Empathize With Others

If you happen to be an Empath, there will be a natural tendency to try and agree and empathize with someone. You might not hold those beliefs yourself, but for the sake of building a rapport and solidarity, you will agree.

However, instead of the other person reacting in a way that makes them feel better, they may choose to either take the opposing view (even if you’ve just agreed with them), or they may try to show you that your problems are groundless. (Even though they are the ones you are trying to console.)

Generally, this ends up in frustration and anger. It can lead to a sense of isolation and extreme loneliness.

Fix You

Another is when you share something personal with someone and, next thing you know, they are trying to “fix” you. In fact, there may be nothing wrong. It becomes yet another exercise in frustration.

As a personal example, if I say, I’m tired and I need a break, people will then try to engage me in a long, tedious conversation about what I should do to get this break.

Things that should be noted here are:

I am not asking for help. I am simply sharing where I am right now.

It’s important that you understand this.

I do not need advice. I know what I need to do. I’m just letting you know, so you know not to bother me.

By you engaging me and trying to help, you are further draining my already low energies and creating frustration and possibly anger. You are also keeping me from doing what I need to do.

Please don’t try to “fix” me. I am not broken to begin with; but if you insist on acting like I am, then I will tell you what you want to hear, just so you’ll go away.

In short, just leave me alone.


The problem is people become very offended and put out if you tell them this.

They will make it a drama and it becomes all about them. Then you have to spend time and waste precious energy consoling them.

I’ve seen this done deliberately at times.

For instance, my ex-wife once admitted that she waited until she knew I was tired before she would nag and attack me on trivial things.

Why someone would do that is beyond me, but I have a suspicion that type of situation is not uncommon.

Don’t See The True You

The consequence of people trying to fix you or turning what you say against you tends to be frustration, isolation and loneliness.

One reason for this feeling is due to others not seeing You. They don’t see the True You, what you need, and who you really are.

This may make one feel like a ticking time bomb ready to go off at any moment. Sooner or later, someone will get hurt, and for what? Just so someone can satisfy their own ego?

In Conclusion

With all the people I have helped over the years, it seems that the majority have experienced this type of situation. It’s concerning when they tell me that I’m the only one who has ever seen the real them.

If you happen to be on the fixing and debating side of things, just remember that no one ever changed their mind just because they seemingly lost an argument.

Unless you are truly out to personally attack and hurt someone, just stop for a moment and ask: “What can I do to support you right now?” Listen, then do what is asked.

Sometimes you don’t have to do anything but just listen and let them be.

Validation is the key.

Next: Psychic Attack – Financial Attacks.

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