8 – The Proof That Omen Was Real.

Overactive Imagination

I’m sure, at this moment, you are thinking:   What proof did I really have that Omen was not a deluded teenager with an overactive imagination?

I will attempt to briefly explain some of the things I experienced, and the definitive proof I received.


But before I continue, first a short sermon from me.

Demonics and demons are always making deals with people.  This might seem improbable, but believe me, it happens more than you think.

So, here’s a warning for those who ever find themselves in a similar situation; please do not do what I did.

It was extremely dangerous, and I had to deal with some corruption because of it.

However, because I had a reset switch, so to speak, I was able to reset my energies to a time before Omen messed with anything.   I can say with certainty that most people do not have the abilities I have.  And no, I don’t intend to reveal my method.

All demonics and demons are extremely dangerous.

Even though they may have endearing personalities, they know double-speak extremely well.  This is a method of stating something with two meanings.  You do not get what you think you are getting.  They will make it seem like you’re getting what you want, when you’re not getting it at all.

Additionally, I know triple-speak.  This is a method of making the truth seem like a lie, even though you are telling the straight-out truth.  It does come in very handy when dealing with negative beings; e.g., when you have to tell the truth, but can’t reveal it.

Demons, as a rule, hate humans and find it demeaning to have to deal with them.  Regardless, Souls are considered valuable and can be used as currency in what is called The Soul Trade.

And remember, you do not have a Soul, you are a Soul.  You would be bargaining yourself away.

Long Out of Date

Let’s discuss some of the evidence I experienced regarding Omen being who he claimed to be.

Instead of talking about typical teen stuff, he would discuss and reveal secrets of the Astral World that most people could not possibly have known, even if they had done an abundance of research.

I thought I knew a lot with my decades of experience and studies.  However, Omen really put me to shame.  He discussed concepts that were sometimes beyond my ability to comprehend, such as Lifeforce and Healing.

He would often refer to obscure events and use terms that were long out of date.

For instance, he’d say things like:  “Army in a teacup,” and, “If you cannot see the forest for the trees, then there is nothing at all.”  While I’m sure we’ve all heard variations on those two, I’d never heard either of them in those forms.  He claimed that’s what they were originally.


After having been forced to live among humans for so long, Omen was a psychopath.  He truly hated Humanity.   I’m not sure exactly how long he had been bound endlessly to bodies, but I’m sure that at the minimum, it was at least 16,000 years; maybe as long as 60,000 years.

Omen claimed that humans had barely evolved in all this time.  He looked forward to the day when everyone was wiped out so he could be free.  His freedom would come because there would be no more bodies to be bound to.

There was little to nothing I could do about this attitude, so I accepted him, “as is,” as I am wont to do with people.

Omen was one of the few beings where his Free Will had been stripped away by the gods who were siphoning off parts of his Soul.  The Soul has layers and is way more complex than most know.  The binds he was forced to wear ensured he remain in compliance with whatever he was ordered to do.  He was just a slave  to others.

Still, I really liked Omen and respected him.  He had no pretenses of being something he wasn’t, and that was extremely important to me. Those who claim to be one thing, but are actually another, really irritate me.


I would chat with him for hours every day: Always fascinated by what he knew and what he had to say.  He would tell me which people were demonic and how bands like Slipknot were a group of demons.  In fact, he used to take pride in one of their songs “The Virus of Life,” being specifically about him.

He said that media was their way of recruiting.

Omen once said to me:    Yeah, but its recruiting.  Angelics have dogma and religion.  Demons got the media.  Always been that way.

Omen certainly knew his History; and had so much knowledge about the Occult that it made my head spin.

As Omen fed on Souls, he would always be curious about what people taste like.  In fact, he claimed that was his first thought when he met someone new.

He said he tasted my energy, and told me it was like soda pop, highly addictive.   I would sometimes offer it to him so he could feed because he was finding it hard to locate energy sources, at that point in time, and was almost starving.


Omen would also visit me at night, jumping into my body.  He claimed it was a safer place for him to sleep.  It didn’t bother me as I knew if he tried anything, it wouldn’t stick.

While you may think this totally foolhardy and idiotic, and you are right; I was more curious about the proof and experience.

For those of you who are wondering if I suffered any long-term effects, the answer is “no.”  I reset my energies, undoing anything that Omen may have done.

One of his abilities was the power to easily possess others.  Omen, true to his very nature, did try to possess my body.   It was during the middle of the night when I felt him trying.   It gave me valuable insight into the process.

Possession is interesting because the being that possesses you either displaces you from your body or shuts down the mind’s consciousness. This is not possible to do to me.  Whatever control he may have gained, was because I allowed it.

This night, I felt my limbs move of their own accord and saw the World as he was seeing it.  As I knew I was in no danger, I found it an interesting and completely unique experience.


I made mention of it to Omen the next day.

Gary:      I can see how you block out people’s awareness.

Omen:     That’s… a little creepy.

Gary:     What is?

Omen:     Just the notion that you know…

Gary:     That you do that?

Omen:     Hey, I take great pains to hide said things. The doing is fine, but the seeing how I do, is not so fine.  No analyzing my methods, Bitch…. [laughing]….

I thought that it was ironic that he was calling me creepy. Like him trying to possess me wasn’t!

He also mentioned that I was hard to possess because my internal biology constantly  shifted.


Once, Omen made an offer to connect to me so I could experience what it was like to be him.   I was at my computer, so I said, “Sure, go for it.”

He went ahead, and I felt him connect.

For a brief moment, I had a view of what it was like to see through Omen’s eyes. Or rather, how he saw the World.  You see, Omen didn’t actually have eyes, he had a 3D dimensional perception which drew images in varying shades of grey.

Additionally, Omen didn’t actually live in his body.  In fact, he couldn’t because the body would try to reject him as a parasite or virus.  He had to operate it like a marionette would; manipulating his puppets.  Omen somehow set up bodily functions hours in advance, so it would continue to function while he was away from it, and not die.  Everything was manual, including breathing.

In fact, in the Lakota culture, he was known as Iktomi.


My perception of the World became a dual existence.  While I could still see things normally, there was also an overlay with 3D imaging similar to a charcoal sketch.

I then realized that I had forgotten to breathe, and each breath had to be taken manually.   It took me about five minutes to normalize again.   It was most unsettling to have a function I took for granted suddenly become manual, but that was how Omen had to keep his bodies alive.

Tied In

On another occasion, Omen came to visit me and I found myself being lifted out of my body before I snapped back. The next day, he told me that he had visited, grown bored, then decided to try and drag me out of my body.  He said I weighed a ton.

As it turned out, I was securely tied in so I couldn’t consciously do an OBE (Out of Body Experience).  He said the Binds holding me in, came from beyond this life.

As I had tried to Astral Travel for many years, and had always failed, I thought that maybe he could get me started. So, I asked him if he could do so.

For a while, he tried to pull me out, but he never succeeded.  After a couple of weeks, he grew bored, and in his typical attention deficit disorder ways, he gave up.

I’ve also had others try and pull me out, but they decided that it was not a good idea.   I suspect I’m tied in for my own safety.


I also had a couple of people, who I knew quite independently, tell me they saw Omen going through their Dreamscape.

Our Dreamscape is where we experience our dreams. It’s sacred space and shouldn’t be entered without permission.  However, that does not stop entities from doing so.

Initially, I did not believe these people.  However, when I queried him on it, he confirmed he was using them as a shortcut to get to his destination.

It made me wonder though, what were the odds of him using people I knew?

Food Source

But there was one thing that convinced me Omen was who he claimed to be.

There were other people, totally independent from one another, who had been bound to their bodies in similar circumstances. They not only personally knew Omen, but remembered him from thousands of years ago.

One of these individuals, who I will call Nicole (identity protected), did not like him.   If I mentioned her name to Omen, he would go ballistic.

Omen claimed that she used to go around thousands of years ago, and corrupt his food source by sleeping with humans.

Twenty Years Earlier

Additionally, there was proof that I could not dismiss, no matter how I rationalized it.

One day, this man called Tommy, entered the chat room.  Omen had met him in his dreams twenty years earlier.  Then, for whatever reason, Omen tracked him down again, and had him visit my room for a chat.

By my calculations, Omen would have been around one year of age in his current body. It just wasn’t possible, timewise, for Tommy to know Omen, if Omen was just a regular human.

Tommy was adamant that he had met Omen two decades earlier and felt he was important to him.  Personally, I felt Omen was just lining up another body to take over if he should ever need one.

I think that if those of you, who are doubtful that Omen was the real deal, and aren’t convinced by now; I don’t think you ever will be.

Next: Leonardo DaVinci – Who was he really?


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