184 – Animal Omens – Moths, Butterflies and Slugs.

This series discusses animal omens. Many humans tend to kill what they consider to be unwanted intruders, such as spiders and the like, when they come into their home, but I would suggest thinking carefully before doing that. They may be there to give a message to you. I’ve had quite a few such omens appear in my life. This entry I’ll talk about my experiences with moths, butterflies and slugs.

(Yes, I am aware that I may be using the word ‘animal’ incorrectly here, and for that I apologize. However, in these cases, I’m using it generically, even if it will be technically wrong.)

The Butterfly

Butterflies are said to symbolize change, resurrection, renewal, and transformation, among other things.

I’ve had them appear from time to time in my life. This is appropriate, considering my Phoenix energy roots.

The first time I saw a clear sign was back in 1994. I was about to enter into a transformation phase, where some major awakenings would occur.

Lying on my bed, I happened to glance at my nightstand, and saw a caterpillar crawling up on the wooden drawer. I lay back down and considered its meaning and decided it was a good sign. It indicated transformation.

I looked back a moment later and found it had vanished. As far as I’m aware, caterpillars don’t move at a blindingly fast pace, so I found that odd. I took it as confirmation that I was certainly on the right path.

Looking back, I believe that time was one of the most important periods of my transformation and awakening. It was when I finally started to accept the whole Phoenix thing.

Hanging Rock

From time to time, butterflies will show up in an unmistakable way. (Which makes the story about Ecclasia’s first life with me also more interesting.)

Another example was in February 2020, when I was with a friend who was visiting. We went up to Hanging Rock, which is a place at Woodend, Victoria, where the energy is very odd and strong. (See this YouTube video for examples.)

As we were walking to the path to climb Hanging Rock, a butterfly kept fluttering around me, and landing on my jacket. (We managed to take a photo of it.)

It seemed determined to be there but left as we moved on.

As far as years go, this one has certainly been an intense one with growing and transformation, so the message was very appropriate.


Another recent example happened the week that I wrote this blog. I was speaking to someone who I knew carries an aspect of The Gaia.

Like all Avatars, they can take human form, if desired. (Though, this is generally painful and traumatic, as our bodies are very limited in what they can do.)

This chat was about my work and my personal healing and growth.

Right before this happened, I saw a large moth that was on the floor by the office door. I was very careful not to step on it.

I asked about it and found that it was another good omen.


In this case, when looking up what it might mean, I came across this excerpt:


The moth spirit animal is associated with faith. Not the blind kind of faith, but the faith that is borne out of the confidence that something is possible.

This spirit guide encourages you to embrace your personality. You are proud of who you are, and you are not shaken by people’s perception of you.

The moth spirit totem wants you to be true to yourself. People with this spirit do not bother about appearances.


This was certainly fitting for the moment, as I do tend to go through periods where I wonder if I’m doing things right and become disturbed of how others appear to see me. (Which is often in a negative light.)

These signs are reassuring. Especially in these times, where I feel like I’m watching the human race burning their own house down with their toxic desires and intentions.


This year, I’ve seen more omens than ever before.

Another one that occurred, about a month before the writing of this entry, happened around 3 am in the morning.

I awoke, fitfully, as I sometimes do. For some reason, I can’t recall, I pulled back the curtains behind my bed, where the window was, and found a slug crawling down the wall, near to where my pillow is.

As this is something I never normally do, I took it as a sign and left it to its own devices, trusting that it would go where it needed to.

Looking it up, the next day, it suggested that it was a very spiritual sign. That I should be strong and steady on my spiritual path.

Once again, a very relevant and timely reminder. One that seeks to reassure me that everything is happening as it is meant to be, and I will be fine.

In Conclusion

Slugs, butterflies, and moths are good symbols and indicate that all is well.

I am aware that they may have negative meanings, too. I tend to feel, though, that things are neither good or bad, positive or negative. They just are.

All change moves  us forward on our path (albeit slowly at times), and these type of signs are useful to know if we are headed in the right direction, or if something is coming that we should be aware of.

As always, with all things, check with your feelings. If it feels good, then it is good. If it feels like a warning, then trust in what synchronicity will bring you. Follow its flow.

And whatever you do, please do not seek to harm such beings with malicious intent. The Gaia does note such actions, and you would not wish to deal with the consequences.

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