11 – Before I Continue… (A Short Sermon!)

Soul Call

A number of people have asked me how and why I deal with beings such as Omen. Some have even said that they are cautious of me because of it.

To be clear, it’s not as though I woke up one morning and thought:   Gee, wouldn’t it be fun to meddle with the demonic world?

Demons tend to be assholes and they are proud of it. They do not make for nice play mates.  (As someone once told me when I asked them for information about them.)

I would also like to point out that, as a rule, I will not deal with demons or demonics or negative beings unless I get a clear Soul Call to do so.  And those are extremely rare. The reason why is, generally, I’m not someone who they would want to deal with. They would find it demeaning.

However, a Soul Call is another matter.  It’s a cry for help on a Soul level and should never be ignored when one is received.

And if that means that helping a demonic or demon is part of it, then that’s how it goes.

I’ve had more Soul Calls in my life than I can remember.  You only get the ones you are equipped to handle, and there is also great benefit to answering them.

So, to be clear:   I helped Omen because I had a very clear call to do so.  (And I do not regret that choice.)

Unconditional love

With that in mind, I think it’s prudent to discuss what my method is for dealing with the so-called darkness.  I say, “so-called” because not all dark is negative, just as not all light is positive.  It would be the same as proclaiming that day is “good” and night is “evil.”

It’s all relative, everything has its purpose and function.

So, how do I deal with that which is considered to be negative or dangerous?

For me, it’s a number of factors, and over the years, I’ve found certain tools that really do help.

The first and most important thing when dealing with anything… anything at all… is to come from a place of True Unconditional Love.

This one, I cannot stress enough.  It’s the one thing that seems to be repeatedly ignored.  Unconditional love means coming from a place of non-judgement and compassion.

More importantly, seeing where another is coming from and knowing that you can’t possibly understand all of the factors that have made up the experiences having led to their current state.

It’s also coming from a place of loving yourself.  It’s so easy to end up in a place of self-loathing due to low self-esteem, guilt, trauma, impossibly high standards, and so forth.  (Hence, healing is vital to help you to allow love to flow from yourself.)


Many people, especially Light-Workers, take pride in being a warrior and destroying the darkness.  (Which, to me, is like taking pride in destroying the night…)

I have lost track of the amount of people who have bragged to me about how they have tricked, betrayed, and destroyed demons; as though that is something to be proud of.

Personally, I don’t believe it is.

Underhanded tactics make one no better than that which you have condemned. You become what you seek to destroy or remove.

Make no mistake, this will compromise who you are and your own personal energies.

What is even more puzzling to me is how we have made love synonymous with weakness; being wishy-washy or lacking in character.

Unconditional Love takes enormous strength of character.  Any fool can fall into the negative; hate, attack, and destroy that of which they do not agree.

Sure, you can take pride in doing this, but I will tell you that Unconditional Love will trump you every time, even if it looks like you have won.

Even if you believe you have vanquished your enemies, you can be sure that they will return one day.

It may not be today, tomorrow or maybe not even in this lifetime. But they will be back, and they will remain a problem to you until you have resolved things and made peace.


Fear is your enemy.

It’s stated that there are only two emotions. Love and Fear.  Everything else stems from that.  In my observations, this is true.

If you come from a place of fear, then everything you do will be tainted by it.

Fear does not mean you are just being scared, it’s also what creates anger, hate, judgement, greed, lust for power and control, and so forth.

Be aware of what you are feeling. When dealing with negative entities, there is no place in your thoughts for fear.

Please note, this is different from caution.

Be cautious.  Always follow your feelings and intuition. Never go or tread where you know you are not welcome, or in places you should steer clear of.

Even when I was dealing with Omen, I was always checking to see if what I did would be dangerous.  I would always check if the outcome felt good or if it felt like trouble ahead.

This is something you can do with a bit of practice. You check the energy lines that are connected to a being or event and see if they produce any anxiety and trepidation.  If they do, then something is wrong.  If they don’t, and things feel positive, then you are clear to proceed.

Always keep checking. Things can change, and when they do, you need to respond appropriately.


The next thing to understand is that it’s very easy for one to give permission for beings to attack you.

Free Will dictates that nothing can happen to you unless you have given your permission, or unless you agree to it on some level. (Otherwise, it’s not Free Will.)

But we tend to open ourselves up to many things that may compromise us. They may be our affirmations (for instance, saying things like:   I never get a break), or even the desire to experience something.

Now, I’m not saying doing this is right or wrong; but the expression:   Be careful what you ask for because you might just get it… is very true. Especially if you happen to be a powerful manifester. That is, one who can create with affirmations and their energies.

There are certainly many who do this without ever realizing it. They create and create and create and never know it is them who are the creators.

The reason for this is due to there being a lag between the instructions and the results. Sometimes it can take days, weeks, months or even years for them to occur. But rest assured, they will occur.

Not So Easy

Now, this is easy to say, of course, but not so easy to put into practice. Even with all my experiences and safe guards, I do get worn down and suffer from doubt and negativity, which leaves me open to psychic attacks.

Ironically, Omen even pulled me up a few times when I was doing that. However, that mostly occurred when I was drained and exhausted.

This is the reason why I advocate Bach Flower Remedies so much.

They are a major key to stopping such attacks in their tracks.  I have written more on the subject than I can remember, so I won’t go into them here. (Save that my Empath Guidebook has a full section about them and I do personal one on one consultations for those who need more specific help.)

But I cannot stress enough just how wonderful and amazing these remedies are for Empaths.

No Limits

Finally, it’s extremely important to stop limiting ourselves as to what we can do and what we are capable of.

We limit our power, our light, our self-esteem, our psychic abilities, and so on.

If you want to have the upper hand in dealing with negative entities, then it’s important to remember that YOU have the power. There is nothing you can’t do.  It may take a bit to work out how to do it, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do it. Essentially, you have no limits!

It’s not a matter of being the Light… Angelics are of the Light and some are not all that nice.  But more on that later.

No, it’s a matter of being the expression of Unconditional Love.

The feeling of joy, reassurance and Unconditional Universal Goodwill to all.

You can liken it to the sun. It shines, gives life and warmth to all. It does not care who you are.  It is always there.

If you are that love, you will always prevail.

Always and in all ways!

There is no force that is greater.

Next: Life of DaVinci (part one)

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