132 – Psychic Attacks – Ego Attack

Ego Is Not A Dirty Word

This is a series that looks at what Psychic Attacks are and what you can do regarding them. This entry we’ll focus on how the human Ego is used as a form of psychic attack.

Back in the 70s, a local rock band called Skyhooks, wrote a song called Ego Is Not A Dirty Word.

I feel it’s important to note that I fully agree with this sentiment.

Your Ego is your sense of self. Without it, you can’t grow and develop as a spiritual being.

An overblown Ego can be a problem though, as it can cause separation from others and block one from growing and learning new things.

A healthy Ego is one that accepts that they are part of the whole, their place in the scheme of things, and that we are all as important and as valid as each other.

Many do indeed treat it as though it’s a dirty word, and that we should be striving to dissolve our ego. Yet they ignore that it is the ego that sparks the drive for excellence, innovation, entertainment and countless other things that we take for granted on this world.

Tool for Psychic Attack

When the Ego is healthy and you use it to evolve; then it is serving its intended purpose.

To the unwitting Target, however, it can be used as a tool for Psychic Attack.

While those who are psychic or telepathic may be more prone to an Ego Attack, anyone can be a target.

If the mark is someone who believes he has all the answers and his opinions are the only ones that count; then they become easy to manipulate.

The point of an Ego Attack is to manipulate and control the target.

An Ego Attack may either bolster and inflate the ego, or diminish it. It depends on what the goal is.

Grain of Truth

When the intention is to inflate the ego, the method will be to whisper thoughts into the target’s mind.

They will be told how clever they are. How they are the only ones who can do what they do and no one else is as important or as vital as they are.

Often, there must be a grain of truth to those whispers, otherwise they would not seed and take root to begin with.

There is an abundance of amazing, clever, and innovative people out there. They could potentially pose a threat to those who wish to keep this world under their control and in chaos.

Such people tend to be self-assured and very confident, so they would not respond to negative thoughts about themselves.

Opposite Tactic

Instead of trying to bring them down, they take the opposite tactic and encourage them. What ends up happening is that they become so overblown in their own mind and success that they no longer see themselves as part of the whole. They act as though they are above others, conventions, and even the law.

They may end up undoing all the good work they have done, and their name eventually falls into disrepute and may even become loathed by many.

I’ve seen many a good person fall because they refused to believe they could be wrong. They refused to see other perspectives and locked themselves out of opportunities and self-growth because of it.

Jealous People

Inversely, those who tend to suffer from poor self-esteem, tend to be vulnerable to negative thoughts that tell them they are not worthy, that they will never amount to anything and no one cares or is interested in their ideas or thoughts.

For me, barely a day goes by when I don’t get thoughts that suggest I’m wasting my time, doing what I’m doing, and there is no point. (This is an extension on Apathy Attacks.)

Attacks that deflate the ego often discourage the target from working on something that could make a difference to others. Or if they do succeed, they never promote or tell others what they have done.

History is full of people who were only recognized after their deaths because they did not think others would care or be interested.

Spiritual people and those who may be Empaths or Psychics, are especially vulnerable.

The spiritual community has many jealous people and also its fair share of those with unhealthy and overblown egos.

Let’s look at a couple of examples of how Ego Attacks can be used.

Crystal Skull

One that comes to mind occurred back in 2004.

I was summoned (or my Astral form was) to a large black room. In the center of it was what looked like a crystal skull on a pedestal.

A nondescript being appeared before me and told me the skull needed a Guardian and I was the only one worthy enough for the job.

I said, “Give me a day to think about it,” and I left.

Truth was, I did not trust this. Certainly not after everything I had been through that year. I then put it out of my mind.

Summoned Again

The next night, much to my surprise, I was summoned again.

Once more, the being appeared and asked me what my answer was. I told him that I was not interested and so declined the offer.

Not long after, I got information from my Guides that I had made the right decision. Accepting the guardianship would have bound me to something that was not good for me.

Soon after, I discovered that there were other spiritual people who had received the same offer. They bragged about how they had a Crystal Skull.

I figured that there probably weren’t enough skulls to go around and it was likely the same one.

Whatever was going on, I believe it was a way of keeping tabs and control over those who might pose a threat.

Letting You “Overhear”Conversations

Another example is when you think you overheard conversations from the Astral levels.

This is normally for those who communicate telepathically with Spirits, Guides or other beings. (This is way more common than you might believe. All the Spirit needs to do is attune themselves to the frequency of the target’s thoughts and a link will be established.)

If the target is aware that they are indeed being attacked by negative entities or demonic beings, then a ruse will be set up that would be worthy of an Oscar.

Seemingly randomly, they will “overhear” conversations from those who are plotting against them.

Oscar Worthy

I experienced this, once again, in 2004.

I found that I was listening in to what was supposed to be a demonic boss. It was admonishing his subordinates for failing to defeat me. The gist of it was that they had me on the ropes, and somehow, I managed to get away.

It was very theatrical and, I must admit, highly entertaining.

I felt my Ego expand about how clever I was; but, at the same time, sensed that this was foolish. Part of me doubted that I had accidently overheard what was really going on and suspected it was all staged for my benefit. It was all too good to be true.

All A Show

Once I had time to mull it over, I knew that it was all garbage, and was meant to be used as a distraction to make me believe I had won. In reality, I was in great danger of agreeing to a deal with The Dark Council due to my ignorance of certain facts.

Not too long after, someone else made the comment that they could listen in to conversations going on in the Astral Levels and relayed a similar story.

I then knew it was all a show.

Generally, demonics are not that stupid nor sloppy. They know what they are doing and it’s very dangerous to assume they don’t.

The key to not falling for Ego Attacks is to remember that we don’t know everything. The more we learn, the more we find out how much we don’t know.

Be kind.
Be humble.
And remember to see everything as part of the whole. You need others as much as they need you.

Next: Another type of Psychic Attack

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[…] let ego take over. That is a typical ploy to get false words […]

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