Great Risk
Having access to Phoenix Energy, I wondered if it could be used as currency to buy a demon, especially one such as Omen. While it was true that it appeared to be well sought after, I wasn’t sure if it would be useful as a bargaining chip. Still, I mentioned it to him.
Omen: You don’t have to do anything. You know I don’t expect anything. So, your choice.
I explained that if his enslavement was illegal, then I could only buy him with his permission.
My thoughts were, if I owned him, then he could come under my protection and could not be taken by another. I did not intend to hold him against his will. That would mean he could come and go as he pleased. It also meant he was free to make whatever choices, poor or otherwise, for himself.
I had no idea if this was even possible, but doing nothing would lead to nothing. And nothing great is ever accomplished without a high level of risk.
He also mentioned that he had agreed to work for The Triquerta, but it did not include being enslaved with binds.
This much I was sure of, Omen had been coerced into his situation, against his will.
Slavery, in the Astral, is a tricky subject to deal with. There are entire trades based on it (referred to as The Soul Trade), and it’s never cut and dry.
You need to be extremely careful who you set free. Usually, there may be something about the situation you are not aware of. If you free a slave without knowing your facts, or providing compensation, then you may end up taking their place.
For Omen, though, I was certain this was not the case. Still, I had to follow protocol and do what was deemed to be right. How I even knew what that was, I did not know. I just somehow knew it. It was a matter of restoring a balance.
Also, very curiously, he then linked a song that he had found on his iPod that day, which was Phoenix related, that he didn’t even know he had. It was prophetic in a way, though both of us had no clue that it was, at that moment.
Venemy & Aznar ft. Doubletake – Reign
The next day, Omen messaged me. He wrote:
Omen: I feel conflicted with you making deals on my behalf (or the behalf of others who own me now) for a few reasons.
I’ve been conditioned to associate Egypt and the RA pantheon (names notwithstanding) as a general threat. I don’t know how I’ll overcome that. I can tolerate you because I personally know your non-threatening, but who’s to say I won’t have some instinctual response outside of my control?
I don’t want you to be responsible for my actions (which you might be held accountable for at some point, because I’ve seen it happen before) because I’m quite sure you haven’t seen me at my worst, so I highly doubt you have full awareness of what your (sic) becoming involved with exactly and don’t want you to make a mistake that you regret later.
There is also the notion that I have a lot of enemies (more than you, as many of your allies would consider me their enemy) and I don’t want you to be targeted or harmed on my behalf. Basically, I have your safety in mind, rather than my own (aside from the pantheon thing…which is still sort of connected anyway now that I think of it).
So, if you can consider all that, and still agree that you want to take the risk, then I have no problems with it… those are my thoughts for now.
This was my response:
Gary: Okay, I appreciate your thoughts. Yes, I’m aware that you’re dangerous. You devour Souls. You enjoy killing. You have a part to play in things that people don’t consider pleasant.
I also feel that anything I do will result in lesser consequences than you being sold for some other purpose.
Secondly, you come under my protection, but you don’t need to deal with any of my family or associates.
Yes, I know I’ll be held accountable… but it happens.
Checking with my intuition, right now, this feels like the path I can take.
I am not saying it will be easy, and you won’t have bad days. I’d be fooling myself if I did. However, it does feel like the best choice, all things considered.
Omen: Sounds perfectly viable then. Do you know whether there is any self- serving motive in it for you?
I’d hope there would be, as charity feels kind of wrong.
Gary: I don’t do charity. I do what I feel benefits the Whole. I’m sure there might be something down the road. Who knows, maybe you’ll choose not to kill me one day when you might have wanted to.
So, we threshed out the details which boiled down to this:
I would give them Phoenix Energy for a year, and in exchange, I would be given the binds.
Omen would also come under my family banner and protection. In exchange, Omen would agree to be my Protector and not attack nor harm any of my Soul family, friends or allies.
He agreed and I told him that it was binding on a Soul level for all parties.
If the parties refused, I would deem his slavery illegal, simply take the binds myself, and put him under my protection anyway.
The Status Quo
You might wonder why I would even offer to provide compensation if this was an illegal Soul transaction to begin with?
Unlike the 3D world, which works on the laws of Justice, a man-made concept; it can be very important not to knock astral-beings noses out of joint
The social and political structure can be extremely complex. It’s very foolish to make changes to the status-quo without offering something else in its place.
Even when I am within my rights to do something, I find it wise to compensate. It helps reduce the risk of resentment and backlash.
So, I told Omen to take the offer to Jack.
I honestly was not sure if this would even work, or if I would even be taken seriously. However, a couple of days later, Omen told me: Jack wasn’t too happy, but he agreed regardless. He said you’d regret it though.
I told him that my entire existence was full of regrets.
If I was going to pay for this, then I would face it when it came up. I had done what I felt was right, and stayed true to who I was.
The deal went through, much to my surprise, and next thing I knew, I was Omen’s new Master…
[…] also informed me that Omen had been “reset,” closing all deals and contracts that he had been involved […]