The Chakras
This series intends to explore more of what is going on in the world right now. Is this the End of Days aka End Times and how will it all play out? In this entry, we look at what Chakras are.
The Human Race
I’ve discussed the new humans before. They are not what were originally on this planet a few thousand years ago.
From all I’ve been told, remembered, and can trace, the current evolution of humans was seeded by either The Annunaki or The Triquerta around 6,000-10,000 years ago.
Six seems to be a popular number as that’s when certain calendars begin. Many religious beliefs seem to think that’s when the Universe and World was created.
It wasn’t. We were around long before then. Omen and others were walking the earth at least 20,000 years ago.
Open and Shut
From what I understand, the new humans were genetically altered to be blocked, by default, from The Source and their Higher Soul self.
This was done by adding a system of Seals that could be opened and shut. These Seals are known as Chakras.
By default, the higher ones are more closed, and the lower ones are more open. The Lower Chakras are for primal urges while the Higher Chakras are spiritual.
The Third Eye is probably the most well-known. There are seven major ones, and it would take its own entry to discuss it.
The more a Chakra is closed, the harder it will be to use that for its intended purpose. You can liken them to camera lenses that open and shut, depending on how much exposure is needed. You can also liken them to a valve regulating the flow of something like fluid, except it’s energy.
Their Purpose
Some people will tell you that Chakras are evil. That they mess with our Free Will. Some will even suggest ways to completely remove them.
As inane as this may sound, it is possible to do this. You can also add in new ones and replace burnt out ones.
When I do this for clients, I will ask if I can put in a control Chakra, which will automatically keep the main ones balanced.
The purpose of the Chakras are simple.
They allow us to control what type of experiences we can have in our body.
For instance, if you wish to have a high sex drive, you would have the Sacral Chakra open. If you were more focused on spiritual pursuits, you would focus on opening the Third Eye.
Of course, many don’t even believe in Chakras. You have to be a sensitive to sense them or have psychic sight to see them.
They do exist. They are real and they certainly do make a significant impact on who we are and what we can and cannot do.
A Handy Tool
I personally do not recommend removing them because the human body, as it is today, would have no protections against the inflow of energies that it would suddenly be subjected to.
This could lead to energy burn out. You might feel overwhelmed and unable to cope. It might even lead to mental issues, such as insanity.
Used correctly, Chakras can regulate what we are experiencing.
They can be a handy tool.
However, due to the ignorance of the populace at large, they go mostly unknown or ignored.
The Gullible Past
Before Chakras, the body had evolved to handle such energies. The connection to Soul and The Source was automatic and no one doubted the existence of gods, spirits, devas, and the like.
Today, we look upon those who believed in such things as ignorant, unenlightened, and gullible. Many laugh at them and are smug about how they know better. Science and technology are king.
That is not to say, they are not important. They are. The problem is that we, as a human race, have become so arrogant and ignorant, that if we can’t prove something with hard facts, then it is dismissed as delusions and pie in the sky fantasy.
Knowledge Does Not Equal Being Spiritual
Not all, of course, are like that. There is a sizable portion of the population that do believe. They have awareness and are open to the esoteric side of things.
Of course, that does not make one enlightened. Nor does ability and power make one wise, kind, or spiritual.
I’ve seen many who know they have power, abuse it, misuse it, or simply just play with it as if it was a toy. But I digress.
Chakras, when understood, can help us overcome the blocks that are on our human bodies. It is that way by design. If it wasn’t, then a Walk-In would not be able to function and get their work done. (Whatever that may be.)
In Conclusion
The idea and concept of Chakras has merit. It could be a good system if used correctly. It could produce some amazing experiences.
However, that is not the reason why the human body was given them.
We will explore the whys in the next entry.
[…] believe that the chakra system, that we all now seem to have, was also put in, during this […]