TPA Volume One & FAQs

The Phoenix Archives Volume 1 Free ebook

Volume One

The Phoenix Archives Volume 1 is now available for download as a PDF.

You can click on the download button below to receive your free copy.


This is a fully tabled and indexed document that will make it easier to read through the entries.

This will also be available in paperback and kindle version in the near future.


Also now available are Frequently Asked Questions (or glossary).

This can access this through the top menu under FAQ

You may also submit your own questions if you are unable to find the answer you seek.

You can also click on the magnifying glass icon if you wish to search the archives.


Announcement – Books and Ads

books ads free downloads


Over the years, The Phoenix Archives blog has grown to over 200 entries.

That’s a lot of entries to read, and even with a table of contents, I can appreciate how tedious it would be for one to work their way through it all.

I’ve had requests to put The Phoenix Archives into book form.

I am in the process of doing this.

Soon, you will be able to download free PDFs for past blog entries.

They will be grouped, indexed, with a glossary of terms to help explain what means what.

For those who prefer to hold a book in their hands, they will be published in both paperback and ebook format.


You may have noticed ads used to be on this site but are now gone.

After seeing how they performed, I decided to remove them, as I felt they impacted the user’s experience.

I never felt comfortable with ads, and it wasn’t like they were keeping the site running.

I don’t get to choose which ads show up. I personally find them intrusive and annoying! Removing them makes for a cleaner experience.

I intend to keep the content of The Phoenix Archives free.

Share This Blog, Please!

I believe The Phoenix Archives contains material that is not available anywhere else. I also believe it’s important information and could make a difference to this world.

If you find my work useful and of value, please share it with others who you feel may also benefit.

I designed The Phoenix Archives with the following in mind.

  • To reveal knowledge that has been hidden.
  • To help those, who have gone through similar experiences, know they are not crazy.
  • To help educate, and give tools, to those who seek them.
  • To reveal answers that are grounded, that avoid the fluff that I’ve seen in many other resources.

If you know someone who may benefit from my work, please share it with them. (Share it with anyone who you feel would be interested!)

Thank you

Thank you to those who have let me know that The Phoenix Archives has helped them and have encouraged me to continue what I’m doing.

To those who have supported me, know that it means a great deal to me.

If you would like to contribute to help support the running of this site, then any donation, no matter how small, is greatly appreciated. You can donate by clicking this link.

For now, watch this space. The PDFs will be released soon.

208 – Ouija Boards – ZoZo: – Is He Real?

zozo demon


The following two blog entries will discuss Ouija Boards. Entry 207 discussed if they really worked and how? This entry will look at the Ouija Board demon called ZoZo, and if he is real or not.

While I believe that the information is accurate (at the time of this writing), your mileage may vary. As always, use your feelings to decide what’s true for you and what isn’t.

So far, we have determined that yes, Ouija Boards do work and can be used to contact the departed, However, there is a great risk of the séance being hijacked by something else.

Back In 1980…

Which brings us to the topic of ZoZo. The Ouija Board demon.

This name has been coming up, apparently, for a long while now. It seems that this is a demonic that has seen a niche in the market (so to speak) and is using it to exploit people and harvest their energy and possibly Souls.

A long time ago, back in 1980, I was present for a séance at a camp. The board was a makeshift one, made out of loose pieces of paper.

One night, we all went down to the bottom of a stairway (which we believed was haunted) and had a séance.

After around 5 minutes, I suddenly felt this strong presence and energy come over me, and apparently so did everyone else, as the entire group (apart from three of us) suddenly ran up the steps, screaming.

Continue reading “208 – Ouija Boards – ZoZo: – Is He Real?”