45 – The Annunaki

By The British Museum Collections - Version 1 Version 2, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=12751616

A World of Opportunity

The Earth seems to have a lot of advantages that many other planets do not.  While life exists everywhere in this Multiverse, it’s mostly on higher vibrational levels.

On Earth, conditions are right to enter a body and have unique experiences. I don’t remember if this World is unique, but I will say it’s unlikely. I know there must be others out there in all the billions of possibilities.  But I speculate, as I have no way of knowing if what I’m saying is correct or not. But it seems this World has always been of special interest.

There are distinct advantages for incarnating into a body.  One of them is that whatever you create in a body has much greater substance on the Astral levels.

You can also use the body to completely forget who you are, recreate yourself anew, and take that added experience to your Greater Self when you leave.

There are also resources here, such as gold, which have useful properties.  (I don’t remember what those properties are, but it is highly valued.)  I know that gold strongly messes with demonics, though that can be overcome with the right type of energies.

As a side note, Omen said that gold would prevent him from being born when he ended up attached to a new fetus. (Even mobile phones would be painful for him to use. But he eventually found a way around that.)


It was the Annunaki, comprised of what we term Angelics, Angels or The Fallen. (Thanks to my friend, Ecclasia, for that piece of information.) The Annunaki came to this planet and decided that they wanted it for themselves.

When they arrived, they wiped out most of the denizens that were already here. They committed genocide on a grand scale.

The Annunaki seeded their own human race. In doing so, Humanity was genetically altered to have low awareness and no real connection to the Source or Oneness.  Humans were created to be slaves. The Annunaki considered humans their property and Humanity was viewed as chattel or livestock.  Then, the Annunaki claimed the Earth as their own.

It’s also worth noting that this lack of awareness and connection could be overridden.  There had to be an override, otherwise those beings who jump in and out of bodies would be disabled and unable to do what is needed.

I have witnessed such things.  I’ve seen beings such as Reapers (who Omen called “glorified hitmen”, whose jobs are to collect Souls with expired Agreements) jump into bodies, get online, and know exactly who to email or locate on social media.

I suspect this happens frequently. 


Much of the Annunaki’s commitment of genocide occurred during the time of Atlantis. These were long and bloody wars. Many of the old Hindu gods were killed, enslaved, or went into hiding. Some of them were bound like Omen and some betrayed their own for more power.

As for why I stood by and did nothing: It was complicated.  I was playing the long-term game. Events needed to play out. If I had intervened, they would have just repeated at some point. Only when all is said and done, and everything has run its course, can I truly intervene. I believe that time is soon.

Over time, with all the wars, corruptions and manipulations going on, the vibrations of this world began to fall.  The energy became denser and harder to be in.  It also allowed negative beings, such as the demonic, to come here and stay.

41 – Origins and Being Summoned.

Memory of My Origins And Process

It’s taken me a very long time to remember my own origins.  Much of my memory was assisted by people who remembered me and knew who I was.

Other memories were disclosed by my Guides.  Later, I was able to validate many of those events with the memories of others, and the information in The Phoenix Archives.

My history is long.  Things that I’ve done in other lifetimes keep on cropping up in the most unexpected ways.

As much as I try to remember my origins, I only get vague impressions.

Omen once told me that I was the result of a collision between two gas giants.

Personally, I can’t wrap my mind around what that even means or if it’s even possible.  Albeit; if Omen said it, it will have substance.  He wasn’t known to be frivolous, especially with words and how things are.

Why Am I Here?

But even if this is so, what would someone like me even be doing here? Why have others told me that my mere presence is causing problems and to leave?

You might wonder that, if I am a god, why would I be spending time on such things as Facebook, chat rooms, blogs, etc.?   

Wouldn’t I be out there doing all kinds of magnificent deeds?  On that point, I’ve found that much can be done without ever having to leave my room. 

Most things I do are Astral based, including Healing. 

Still, I’ve asked the same questions, of myself.

There is a method in all that I do. All the important connections I have made have been through those mediums of social media.

Some things can only be done on the 3D level.  They take an enormous amount of work and coordination. This includes my attempt to give people’s power and knowledge back to them; to show that nothing is beyond reproach. That We are indeed all One and separation is the only illusion.

Summoned By Two Factions

When my friend, Ecclasia, read to me from The Phoenix Archives, she told me that my primal energy was the Energy of Life.  It’s the fire (I assume) all Souls have to pass through to be born.

She went on to say that I was here to prove a point and had asked for permission to be here.

Back in 2016, as I pondered my own history, a story came to me. This happens from time to time, and reveals information that is later proven to be correct. 

My Guides told me two factions were Summoning beings from higher levels. Their intention was to ask them for help and trick them into an agreement where they could be bound and used.

As most higher level beings have no concept of betrayal or treachery, many were easily duped into becoming enslaved.

The two factions were The Galactic Federation and the Annunaki.

Because The Galactic Federation is such a buzz word nowadays, I wondered if such an organization really existed or if it was people feeding off each other. However, my Guides, and virtually everyone I know who is associated with the Astral, are adamant that they exist.

As for the Annunaki, it’s become another buzz word. For a long time, I dismissed them as being made up until I could no longer deny the proof that they existed. 

I’ve heard that Annunaki originally meant “The Fallen,” as they are mostly fallen angels. That is, Angelics that chose Free Will. The name also became synonymous with “Destroyers,” and my Guides said it also meant “against the Federation.”  I honestly can’t be sure as there seem to be many different versions around. It’s possible they are all true. Names can take on the meanings with associated actions.

Arms Race

Both were looking for powerful beings to control, use as weapons, and exploit resources.

The Annunaki believed that The Galactic Federation was corrupt. Their intentions were to destroy them. However, their plans also included taking over everything themselves. What they couldn’t control, they would try to destroy.

Angelics, as a rule, don’t have any empathy. They view anything that isn’t Angelic as inferior.

From what I remember, both sides attempted to summon me.

What It Is Like To Be Summoned.

If you’ve never been summoned before, let me tell you it’s very annoying.  It’s very similar to a Soul Call, except you have not agreed to be part of it. Normally, there are rituals, sigils, names, Sacred Geometry and Words of Power involved. When it’s done, it needs to be done right otherwise it can end very badly.

For those who have ever experienced such a thing, it’s like a compulsion to go somewhere. A pull that is hard to ignore. The more powerful the summoning, the harder it is to resist. And the more powerful the being, the greater your peril will be if you succeed.

My recollections are that many were summoned who should have been left alone. Generally, successful summoning’s are due only because the summoned beings are innocent and, as mentioned, have no concept of treachery and betrayal.

In this way, they are manipulated into doing things they would not normally do, and may end up bound and enslaved. I’ve known a few who fall into this category.


For my own part, I had a full awareness of what was going on before I was summoned.  I had already been active and had observed much of what was transpiring.

When both sides tried to summon me, I chose The Galactic Federation.  I told them I would help on my terms only.  One of those non-negotiable terms was that the corruption would have to end.  Additionally, the denizens of Earth would have the right to exist peacefully, without control or tyranny.

I knew about the corruption in The Galactic Federation.  In an exchange, I would identify who was behind the corruption and remove them.

Part of my plan was to set up what would become known as the Jewels of Harmony.  These were the means by which sectors of The Galactic Federation would become balanced and protected against attacks.

Next: The Orion Gems of Harmony