222 – The most compelling proof of the afterlife I have seen.

Sensitive Photo Warning

A quick, but fascinating one today.

A friend of mine’s elderly mother passed away in 2023.

For four days, she sat with her and nursed her to help her pass.

She promised her mother she would call for her family in the spirit realms to come and assist her passing over so that she would not be alone.

When she passed, she took a photo of her mother. Then, a minute later, she had a strong feeling of presence in the room, so she took three more.

She captured some of the clearest, most compelling photos I have ever seen of supernatural proof.

These photos show the departed mother, so they have been blurred. Please be warned that if you reveal them, the images may be disturbing.

I will vouch for these photos to be 100% genuine.

Feedback on these photos are welcome.

This is the mother immediately after passing.

Sensitive material showing recently deceased body. Body before spirits arrive.

This is a few minutes later.

Slide to reveal Spirits surrounding a body.
Disturbing image warning. This shows a departed body. Departed body with spirits around it.

This misty appearance is typical of spirits who are seen in the 3D levels.

I once walked through a ghost while staying at someone’s house and for a brief moment, it felt like I was walking through a mist.

I was also admonished by the two people who witnessed me doing so for being so rude to walk through the spirit! To be fair, it just happened too quickly!

207 – Ouija boards – Do They Really Work?

ouija boad

Ouija Boards

The following two blog entries will discuss Ouija Boards. Do they really work and, if so, how? Part two will look at the Ouija Board demon called ZoZo, and if he is real or not.

While I believe that the information is accurate (as of the time of writing this), your mileage may vary. As always, use your feelings to decide what’s true for you and what isn’t.

A Brief History

Are Ouija Boards a portal to Hell, or are they just an innocent board game?

For those who are not familiar with what a Ouija Board is, it’s a board with letters and numbers on it.  Its purpose is to allow you to contact spirits. Its name derives from the French words for “yes” and “no.”

As for its history, Wikipedia states the following: “Spiritualists in the United States believed that the dead were able to contact the living and reportedly used a talking board very similar to a modern Ouija board… in 1886 to ostensibly enable faster communication with spirits. Following its commercial introduction by businessman Elijah Bond on 1 July 1890, the Ouija board was regarded as an innocent parlor game unrelated to the occult until American spiritualist Pearl Curran popularized its use as a divining tool during World War I.

Continue reading “207 – Ouija boards – Do They Really Work?”