189 – The Guide’s Guide – What are Guides?



Over the years, I’ve had several questions on Spirit Guides. The following entries will attempt to answer ones such as, what are Guides? How do you communicate and who can be your Guide(s)?

Guides are something that can be controversial. Many believe they exist while others would argue they are imaginary. That they are a figment of an active or deluded mind.

They aren’t. I’ve had too much evidence to dismiss them as just my imagination. Also, my Guides never gave me the option of dismissing or denying them.

They do exist, though it’s not a given that everyone has them. Or if they do, they are, by default, all wise and all knowing.

What are Guides?

Navigating this world can be tricky without aid. Thanks to the human body, we are often restricted to what we can sense on the 3D level.

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125 – Psychic Attacks – Nightmares

nightmares & dreamscapes

This is a series that looks at what Psychic Attacks are and what you can do regarding them. This entry we’ll focus on Dreamscapes and how nightmares can be used to drain our energies.

Recurring Nightmares

My mother had these recurring nightmares for many years about a large house somewhere in the country.

In her dreams, she found that on Tuesdays and Thursdays there were certain rooms it was a bad idea to go into.

When she entered the rooms, she found the spirits of two young children: A girl and a boy.

She said the boy was evil, and the girl was simply misled and just going along.

Ghost Children

There was a time when ghost children used to freak me out. That scene from “The Shining,” with the identical twins standing in the hallway with a river of blood gushing behind them used to terrify me for decades. I would get a strong feeling of terror and sadness whenever I thought of them, but I had no explanation as to why.

Continue reading “125 – Psychic Attacks – Nightmares”

44 – The Coming of The Fae

The Gaia, Otherkin, And Coming of the Fae

Otherkin are non-human spirits in a human body. You might ask: Then what is a human?  To which my response would be:   The original denizens of this planet earth.

However, this would not be strictly accurate. The human bodies are part of the Gaia matrix. However, human souls are not.

The definition becomes a little fuzzy when you add something like Fae into the equation because while you can associate them with The Gaia, they are also classed as Otherkin.

The reason being is that there is more than one source. One is The Gaia’s energy matrix itself and the other is an external source. (These would be classed as Otherkin aka Starseeds.)

For those who are not aware, The Gaia Hypothesis, as it is generally known, is that there is a living embodiment of the Earth.  It’s what we would call Mother Nature. Everything is connected to this spirit and is regulated by Her.

I first came across this back around 1990, while playing a game called Sim Earth by Maxis and instantly dismissed it as being improbable.

In fact, I dismissed just about everything as being improbable, in spite of already having quite a few experiences.

I  personally believe this is something that is hard wired into the human body to keep us disconnected from our own Source.


I have noticed, though, that my own Soul family, or at least the NUT side of it, appears to have Fae energy. Personally, I find some Otherkin Fae almost irresistible.

The question I pondered was:    If some of us Otherkin are from Orion (though I don’t recall if we originated there or just made it our home) and Fae seem to be native to this planet, then where did that energy come from?

Continue reading “44 – The Coming of The Fae”