30 – The Mandela Effect – The MMORPG analogy.

What In the World of Warcraft?

Most people, nowadays, have probably heard of MMORPGs. World of Warcraft was a very famous example of one.

MMORPGs stand for “Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game”.

While World of Warcraft is by no means the only such game out there, it is one I played extensively for around 5 years. Hence, me using it for my analogy.  

I no longer play it, and at the time of writing this entry, the game is mired in much controversy, due to ongoing issues at Activision-Blizzard. It may not even be around by the time you read this.

For the Uninitiated, this is an online role-playing game.

How It Works.

The way it works is that you choose your side you wish to be on, the character you wish to play, and level it up, in the gaming world, so you can enjoy many aspects of the content available. 

The concept of timelines, dying, and returning can be difficult for some to fathom. However, I find that World of Warcraft can illustrate those ideas quite nicely.

The game, itself, is set up so that it is run on individual servers. There are hundreds of identical copies of the gaming world.  Each one has their own individual name so you can tell them apart.

While each server provides an identical copy of the game, there are often variations on how you may play the game itself.

The main ones are Player versus Environment (PvE), Player versus Player (PvP) and you may also choose a server that allows roleplaying.

You indulge yourself in the many activities available. Raiding, levelling up your “toon”. Battlegrounds, dungeons, raids, daily quests, and pet battles. New features are being added all the time.

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29 – The Mandela Effect – Loss of Possessions

Loss of Possessions

In the last entry, I spoke about Attunement.  How every action defines the reality you end up in.  This entry I will discuss materialism and how the loss of possessions can be a precursor to alleviating the actual shift to a different timeline.

Now, you may argue if we can choose our own reality, why does life sucks so much?  Why is it, if I’ve chosen such a good life, all I get are bad things happening?

Quite simply, my answer is this:   If you choose the same thing repeatedly, and try living your life in a way that is parallel to who you really are; then, eventually, things will begin to shift.

Additionally, when you choose something, everything unlike it will come into your space so you have more choices. 

More importantly, all the negative things that are holding you back will manifest, so you can see them, and clear them.

That is why so many people are perplexed when things apparently seem to get worse, rather than better.

However, there are a few things, in my observations, that you might want to be aware of.  Even if you are not aware of them when they happen.

We have discussed how we can die, and come back to a slightly different reality. There are a few things about this that should be clarified.

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28 – The Mandela Effect – Attunement

Attunement And The Illusion of Time

This entry discussed timelines and attunement.

We have discussed death, alternative memories, coming back, and parallel worlds.

I’ve also mentioned this kind of thing happens to us a lot.  Nevertheless, we don’t normally remember such incidences when they occur to us, or we don’t twig to what is really going on.

Clearly, this raises a lot of questions.  Some I will attempt to answer and some I am trying to still work out myself.

Let us begin with an overused cliché, used in spiritual circles. Time is an illusion.

The Illusion

Yes, time is an illusion, and the illusion is complete.

Everything that ever was, is and will be, is happening right now, in this very moment.

Everything that ever was, is and will be, is happening right now, in this very moment.

This is very hard for the 3D mind to comprehend, let alone accept.

We wake up in the morning and when we go to sleep, a day has passed and you cannot just say, “Oh, but that was just an illusion…”

For the purposes of functioning in the 3D world, real time has passed.

But it’s the illusion of time that allows us to experience it as a separate stream of consciousness.

The 4D

The 3D is known as the physical world we live in.

The 5D is the world where we exist as lightbodies.

The 4D, however, is known as time. I believe it’s the dimension that separates the illusion of time from the eternal now.

The 4D allows us to choose where we end up in history, and also gives us the ability to experience and process events in a sequential order. (As opposed to everything happening all at the same time.)

Thus, everything that ever existed is happening now, and there is literally no time.


We, as Spirit, can choose to enter into any timeline we choose, at any particular moment in history. The only limits are what we are attuned to energy-wise

Those who can mind travel (and really, that’s something I’m sure we can all do) can not only go anywhere, but also “anywhen”.

But what of us in the 3D dimension, in our bodies? Can we shift to different versions of this world? Can we find a nicer reality and if so, how do we do it?

The key to this is Attunement.

Vibrational Levels

By this I mean, if you have raised your personal vibrational levels enough, you can shift to a higher version of the world.   If your level is lower than before, then you might find yourself in a lower or darker version.

Continue reading “28 – The Mandela Effect – Attunement”