57 – Nephthys – ISIS – Her Side of The Story



I don’t know how my soul children find me (Soul Links I presume) but find me, like many others, they do. To date, all the avatars of Nephthys have tracked me down, Horus the younger, elder, Osiris (both before and after versions) and, of course, Seth.

Nephthys is one I have always felt close to.

She has several avatars.

Nephthys Avatars

The first one found me back in 2011. It was about a year before I finally was able to accept who I was, but regardless, I recognized her personality.

She claimed to be a Phoenix, and considering that Nephthys is the daughter of both Geb and Nut, this makes perfect sense. She is a mix of both Fae and Phoenii energies.

She had a stubborn streak, and while fiercely loyal, she could be downright frustrating at times. Of course, the same could be said for most of my children.

I met what appeared to be the main Nephthys avatar in 2012 and we’ve kept in touch ever since.

She retained a lot of memories of her past lives as Nephthys. I felt it might be a good idea for her to share her side of the story. Mythology is pretty much created by the victors, so to speak.

Life On The 5D

One more, important fact, I should mention. The 5D world is very much like the 3D. Apart from the need of human bodies to get things done, everything is as solid there as it is here. Also, the rules of physics are different to the 3D.

Lightbodies (the form our Soul takes) can create physical objects through energy manipulation. They can include houses, private areas, workspaces, and so on.

Lightbodies can alter forms, if one is skilled enough to so do. I once asked Omen about this, and he said that most can only shift forms to a certain degree. There are those who are more capable of complete transformation.

A Lightbody can also exchange energies and create a new being, which is a combination of both. This happens as a matter of course. (Though there is way more control over when and where it does occur.)

The Lightbody can also be hurt, damaged or even killed. This is much harder to do, but it does, and can occur.

The events Nephthys describes happen on the 5D. Without that context, the story will make less sense.

Continue reading “57 – Nephthys – ISIS – Her Side of The Story”

56 – The goddess ISIS – The Hype And A Rant!


ISIS is one of those goddesses who is universally loved and adored by all. This is quite an achievement because, in reality, she’s a narcissistic, egocentric, and a self-centred psychopath.

Like most gods, ISIS has plenty of Avatars. You can spot them because they all look and act very similar. They also have a tendency to urge others to kill me. (Yes, literally!) Though to be fair, that would only be around 75% of them.

I also readily admit that my views on ISIS will be biased, due to the constant troubles and attacks she’s foisted on me.


I met one of them in 2015. She called herself Aurora. (A name I’ve always liked. It was also one of the chosen names of the Apep Avatar from the New Zealand incident, as chronicled in my I am The Phoenix book.)

She had found me through someone named Nick who claimed to be one of the Phoenix / Dragon hybrids (as also mentioned in my book) and claimed that I had given her that name. It was barely a day before she was encouraging Nick to kill me. Seemed to be a recurring pattern.

Continue reading “56 – The goddess ISIS – The Hype And A Rant!”

55 – Mars Attacks: Further Musings (Part 3)

Please see the previous entry to make sense of this one.

The Phoenix Feedback

Phoenix energy is powerful. Those who can successfully carry and wield it are rare. It can either be used to create, heal, protect, or utterly destroy and wipe out things.

I am The Phoenix Source. I am also Geb. This means my children were also Phoenii. Those include well known beings such as Horus the Elder, Osiris, Seth and Nephthys. (As mentioned, ISIS was not my child, so she does not carry any Phoenix energy. Her powers are due to her Fae / Succubus nature and the use of glamour.)

It took me a long time to accept that I was The Source, but once I did, it dawned on me that Phoenix Energy should not be misused. In 2012, I made the decision that this power could only be used in the way it was meant to be and could no longer be used as a weapon.

I set the intention and made it so. (Mari picked up on that I had done so, very quickly, and made mention of it to me.)

I feel I should know who Mars really is. I suspect that he’s either Horus the Elder, has a connection, or is one of those beings who merged with two or more energies to become something new.

Either way, I had a strong feeling that Mars was carrying Phoenix Energy. I also felt he was about to attack me with it so I warned him it would not work.

I felt nothing when he did so, but what it did, was rebound on the source of the attack. Hence the incredible pain Ecclasia felt when she woke up and why I was able to remove that energy and heal her within a few seconds.

The Dragon

Mars spoke of a dragon. It was one I was familiar with, but I am not ready to name without her consent. The best I can say for now that it’s Mari’s guide.

Even though this dragon does not have her own body, all of us are familiar with her. Mari has the closest connection to her, and considers the dragon a protector.

Continue reading “55 – Mars Attacks: Further Musings (Part 3)”