On a Soapbox?
This is not an easy entry to write for a couple of reasons.
The first, that it will sound alarmist, delusional, and make me sound like one of those disturbing people who stand on the street corner shouting: “The End is nigh!”
The second, that I only have some of the facts on what is happening right now. I have had to fill in a few gaps based on comments others have made and what they remember.
I suppose, I could just wait and see what happens or just ignore everything. If nothing does come of it, then I can go back to whatever I was doing.
I could also tell everything I know, and risk nothing happening, therefore shooting my credibility, such as it is, in the foot.
However, if there is a chance that I am right, and that what I am told is coming is real; then I owe it to myself, and this World, to put it out there.
I am choosing the latter, respectively. I am going to explain the few things I do know, and leave it up to you, the Reader, to decide what you feel about it.
Continue reading “84 – End Game?”