84 – End Game?

On a Soapbox?

This is not an easy entry to write for a couple of reasons.

The first, that it will sound alarmist, delusional, and make me sound like one of those disturbing people who stand on the street corner shouting: “The End is nigh!”

The second, that I only have some of the facts on what is happening right now. I have had to fill in a few gaps based on comments others have made and what they remember.

I suppose, I could just wait and see what happens or just ignore everything. If nothing does come of it, then I can go back to whatever I was doing.

I could also tell everything I know, and risk nothing happening, therefore shooting my credibility, such as it is, in the foot.

However, if there is a chance that I am right, and that what I am told is coming is real; then I owe it to myself, and this World, to put it out there.

I am choosing the latter, respectively. I am going to explain the few things I do know, and leave it up to you, the Reader, to decide what you feel about it.

Continue reading “84 – End Game?”

83 – What Is It Like Being The Phoenix?

Drawing by Mari

Thoughts and Feelings

With 2019 around the corner, I thought it might be time for some self-reflection.

This is going to be very long, but if you want to know the thoughts and feelings of a Phoenix, then read on.

This may also be somewhat self-indulgent; but I wanted to write it before I start on my next series of entries.

I am going to discuss what it’s like being The Phoenix, along with its frustrations and some of the History.

Saying to someone, “I am The Phoenix Source,” is a major claim. It’s the kind of claim that could land you right in the asylum. At the very least, most cannot comprehend it. Even those who claim to be enlightened.

Those who know who I am, know it’s true. I’ve yet to meet someone who has told me that I am not who I claim to be.

There was one interesting incident back in 2014, where a demonic walk-in, who was coming to my chat room, was insisting that I was no one. Then one day, out of the blue, he changed his mind. He said he had been wrong and even offered to work with me. I never quite worked out the reason for the turnaround, except that maybe he must have found something to validate it.

Continue reading “83 – What Is It Like Being The Phoenix?”

82 – Dark Council Fallout – Passing Through The Gateway.


Before I passed through the Gateway, I noticed a group of glowing, humanoid-type beings were gathered around it.

I had to search my memories for who they were, then I understood they were The Gatekeepers. They had appeared, to not only check that everything was above board; but to verify and validate that this was no trick.

I was glad they were there. I don’t know if they came with the Gateway, or they were summoned, but they would ensure that everything was above-board. Gatekeepers take their guardianships very seriously, and most Beings know better than to question their integrity.

After all was confirmed to be legitimate, that the gateway was genuine and set to the highest level, I prepared to walk through it. Part of me wondered if this was such a wise idea.

There weren’t any options, though.  I knew this was the only way to prove to the masses, beyond any question, that I was telling the Truth.

Mentally, I prepared myself and entered.

Continue reading “82 – Dark Council Fallout – Passing Through The Gateway.”