150 – Body and Soul – Soul Braids, Walk-Ins and Lifeforce – Part 2


Soul Braids, Walk Ins and the Lifeforce

This is the final entry of a two-part series where we look briefly at the difference between the Body, the Soul, and how things are not always what they appear to be.

Soul Braids

As noted in a previous entry, a body can share two or more Souls. These are called Soul Braids.

What is interesting is that very few people will be able to tell which Soul is which, even though they may have distinct personalities and energies.

When this type of situation is misunderstood, it can lead to real psychological problems. Medication is not going to fix it. It will simply make things worse.

(Western Medicine does not understand the connection between Body and Soul. Hence, they will never be effective healers, but that’s another topic.)

There are two solutions to deal with a Soul Braid that I am aware of.

  • Work together as a team, which can be extremely beneficial.
  • Find the additional Souls their own bodies.
Continue reading “150 – Body and Soul – Soul Braids, Walk-Ins and Lifeforce – Part 2”

149 – Body and Soul – The Soulless

body and soul

Body and Soul: The Soulless

What are Soulless bodies?

For those who are long time readers of this blog, they will know that I’ve dealt with a few that have either been forced into human bodies or are sharing a human body.

Our bodies and our Soul are two very different things. Most just don’t realize it.

This is a subject that I feel needs closer attention, as it affects everyone on this Earth.

It’s important because, in spite what most seem to believe, we are not our body.

This is Part One of a two-part series where we look briefly into what this means.

Hard To Tell Between The Two

The body is a vehicle that contains us. It’s a masterpiece of evolution, and at times, some genetic manipulation.

On that point, both Creationists and Evolutionists are right, though both parties only have part of the story. (Wouldn’t it be amazing if they worked together instead of insisting their way must be the only way?)

The problem here is that the Body and Soul are so well integrated that it makes it very hard to tell which is which. It’s very difficult to tell when one starts and the other ends.

Continue reading “149 – Body and Soul – The Soulless”

148 – COVID19 – Is this a warning from The Gaia?

Gaia coronavirus

COVID19:  Is This A Warning From The Gaia?


 I am not religious nor do I follow any religion. I am my own religion, so to speak. All I speak of is based on personal experience and hard-won knowledge.  

I am also very careful about what I say and how I say it. I put this out there, not as a fear mongering or conspiracy exercise; but to help inform others so they can make choices that are more in line with Universal Law and Harmony.

The following views are what I’m feeling right now. Don’t take my word for it. Check your own feelings to see if any of it resonates.


In this blog, The Phoenix Archives, I’ve discussed such topics as The Gaia, The Fae, The End of Days cycle, plus an abundance more.

The last one, that being The End of Days Cycle, I wrote about all the signs that had happened.  Something I was in a unique position to observe.

If you’ve not read those entries yet, I encourage you to do so, as they are interesting, regardless of your beliefs.

The timing for this cycle is said to be 2020 to 2032. All I have spoken to are in agreement with this.

Continue reading “148 – COVID19 – Is this a warning from The Gaia?”