153 – Past Lives – Why don’t we remember?

Past Lives

Past Lives

Past Lives are a topic that many find fascinating.

We all want to know who we were in the past. Was it someone famous? Did we make an impact? Are we still remembered today?

While past life readings may be interesting for us, there are certainly dangers and pitfalls to consider when looking to get one.

This series looks at a few things about past lives and some of the questions that have come up.

Do Past Lives Even Exist?

In spite of some religions teaching us that we only get one life, I can state, unequivocally, that this is not true. Not only have most of us had previous lives, but there is no limit on how many you can have.

To my mind, it’s staggering that this could even be a debate, especially with so much evidence around.

The problem is that you can’t definitively prove that it is so to the average person. For the same token, you can’t disprove it either.

Continue reading “153 – Past Lives – Why don’t we remember?”

152 – Will The Seals of Revelations Be Removed?

seals of revelations

The Seals

The Seals of Revelation are said to be seals on The Gaia’s Earth Chakras. At least, according to what I’ve seen and had confirmed. 

Let’s take a look at what it means for us in this current day and age.


I am not a big fan of prophecy.

For a start, it is tricky to predict the future due to several reasons.

  • Nothing is set in concrete. That means that even a potential outcome can be changed at the 11th hour if enough people choose and act upon it.
  • The timelines are always shifting. Even if you can correctly predict an event, such as the end of the world, the collective consciousness that is tied to Humanity can choose to continue on in an alternate reality. This new version will be so close to the current ones that only a few will notice. This is what is now called The Mandela Effect.
  • Some predictions are way off base or so vague that they could be interpreted as meaning anything. These kind are the worst because they are useless before the event and can be made to fit after it.
Continue reading “152 – Will The Seals of Revelations Be Removed?”

151 – The 5D – Why we will not shift to it.

The 5D

Will we ascend to the 5D

Barely a month goes by where I don’t hear somebody tell me that the shift to “5D” is about to occur.

I’ve been hearing it for decades now.

Either I’m told all that is happening is a preparation for the shift to 5D, or that it’s coming and one day we’ll all wake up and be there.

“But wait!,” I hear some cry. “What the heck is the 5D?”

I’m glad you asked.

The Fifth Dimension or 5D, as it is called, is an Astral level. Some claim it’s the highest that one can ascend. It’s said that pure love exists there.

I believe that these people have no clue what they are talking about.

Continue reading “151 – The 5D – Why we will not shift to it.”