156 – Past Lives – What happens when we die?

what happens when we die

This entry, we continue our look at Past Lives and what happens when we die. We look at belief systems and how they affect things.


This is a surprisingly complex subject as there are several stages when one leaves the body. This entry will focus on the one immediately following your death.

As mentioned in a previous entry, the Soul is not the body. You are the Soul and the body’s your vessel that allows a vast range of experiences that are not possible just as a Light Being.

What happens to us, immediately following the death of the body (which, for simplicities sake, I’ll refer to as death, though it’s only for the body), depends on several factors.

What your belief system is about for the Afterlife.

What Soul Agreements you have in place at the time.

Whether or not you are a Walk-In.

We See What We Expect

When you die, your current belief system generally determines what will happen to you. This is because the Astral levels instantly conform to our thoughts. At least, the ones on this 3D octave that this reality exists on. This is explained in a previous entry.

Continue reading “156 – Past Lives – What happens when we die?”

155 – Past Lives – Past Life Injuries and Timelines



This entry we continue our look at Past Lives and we discuss how timelines can be used to help heal injuries.

We also answer a question from a lady called Em, who asks:  Can I ask your opinion on birthmarks and their last life meaning? And also fears.

Well, Em, I believe sometimes a birthmark can be just a birthmark, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be due to a past life trauma. The same goes for fears. Let’s discuss.

The Mandela Effect

Time, as a subject, is complex. It doesn’t really exist. Even though you can technically time travel, it’s not how it is in the movies.

As discussed in my series on The Mandela Effect, we are constantly shifting from one timeline to another.

We just don’t know it, and we ignore all the evidence that it happens, often dismissing it as people having faulty memories or being delusional.

Continue reading “155 – Past Lives – Past Life Injuries and Timelines”

154 – Past Lives – Personal Experiences.

Past Lives

Where Can You Find Past Life Readings?

This entry we continue our look at Past Lives and answer a question by a lady called Rachel, who asked: How does someone go about having a Past Life Reading?

Generally, you can search for them online by Googling Past Life Reading Services.

They are not hard to find. However, finding a Reader who is both reputable and accurate can be tricky.

Also, even if you do find someone genuine and talented, you may not find the results to your liking.

Back when I was seeking my own Past Life readings, I found them in ads from health and spiritual magazines.

While I believe some have the ability to go into a trance or can be hypnotized into a state that may allow Past Life recall, I feel that this technique does not work on a good many out there.

Personal Readings

I’ve had a few Past Life readings in this life. They were all in the mid to late 90s and none of them felt right.

Continue reading “154 – Past Lives – Personal Experiences.”