162 – Soul Contracts – Defining Terms

defining terms
Photo by Joshua Hoehne on Unsplash

Defining Terms

This series looks at Soul Contracts. We will discuss if they exist, what they are, and what the traps and pitfalls may be. This entry looks at the importance of defining terms.

Different Meanings

Words mean different things to different people. This may be a problem if you agree to something where the parties have different views and experiences on what something means.

For instance, for many humans, they may assume their Soul means their body. For a demon, though, the Soul is the Lightbody that generally resides within.

One of the more perplexing comments I’ve heard about Souls is: “I’m not using it, anyway.”

This is such a contradiction in logic that it actually hurts my brain.

Going back to the car analogy, it’s like the driver saying that they are not driving, while they are driving.

Maybe it’s said in jest, but it also feels like a complete lack of understanding that they are a Soul.

But I digress.

Continue reading “162 – Soul Contracts – Defining Terms”

161– Soul Contracts – Involved Parties

other parties

Involved Parties

This series looks at Soul Contracts. We will discuss if they exist, what they are, and what the traps and pitfalls may be. This entry looks at the importance of knowing the parties involved.


I’m sure there are those reading this series who may be thinking: “I doubt anything like this could possibly exist. I’ve never seen any evidence of it.”

And, of course, there are some who don’t even believe in Demonics, Souls and the Astral worlds.

Ironically, that would not protect them if they made a deal to prove there is no such thing, or even if it was done in jest.

It’s worth mentioning, once again, that things like The Devil, Satan, Baal, etc., are titles.  They are generally held by the strongest (and most dangerous) demons. There is no Biblical Devil who is in direct competition with The Source for our Souls. If there was, we would all have been damned long ago.


There is certainly enough compelling proof that Soul Contracts exist.

Robert Johnson is probably one of the most famous cases. He is said to have gone to the Crossroads and made a deal with the Devil to give him mastery over music. He was said to transform from being mediocre to masterful in a year.  

Continue reading “161– Soul Contracts – Involved Parties”

160– Soul Contracts – Gems and Doublespeak

truth = lies

Gems and Doublespeak

This series looks at Soul Contracts. We will discuss if they exist, what they are and what the traps and pitfalls may be. This entry looks at The Soul Contract Gem and Doublespeak.

Following on from my previous entry, I am once again channelling my higher self to explore this topic.

Responses are in italics


So, what is a formal Soul Contract about?

There are two main kinds of formal contracts. One that has been made with honour, or what you would refer to as the “Gentleman’s agreement” where your word is your bond.

For evolved beings, that is generally enough. It doesn’t matter if it’s on the 3D level or any other level, if they state they will do something, then you can believe they will do so.

Of course, this isn’t always the case. There are many deceptive and unscrupulous entities out there who may decide not to stick to their agreements.

While you can enforce them, it can take a lot of energy, focus and time.

The solution that has been applied in the Astral worlds, is what you might term a Soul Agreement Gem.

Now, those who know, and love gems will understand that they have a life of their own. There are Spirits attached to them that are as sentient as you and me.

They are their own type of Lifeforms and they have their own set of powers.

One type of gem has the power to enforce Soul Contracts. Not only that, but it also has the power to void those which are deemed to be illegal, according to Astral Contract Law.

Continue reading “160– Soul Contracts – Gems and Doublespeak”