177 – Psychic Energy

psychic energy meter

Psychic Energy

Psychic Energy is something we all have. In this entry, we look at what it is and why we should use it sparingly.

We are complex beings.  Different Souls or entities are powered by different energy sources.

For instance, a demonic being generally feeds off of negative energy while a sexual one, such as a Succubus will feed on sexual energy.

Some will feed on universal energy and some are self-empowering.

Pool of Energy

Whatever the source may be, we all tend to have a pool of energy that will become depleted over time.

Much of it is tied to our Lifeforce, which is what helps bind body and Soul together and helps keep us energized throughout our life.

Continue reading “177 – Psychic Energy”

176 – The Resurrection – Rebirth


The Resurrection – Rebirth

This is a two part look at what The Resurrection, spoken of in The Bible, may be.  The first was about the body. This entry will look at the Soul and the process of Rebirth.

What is The Resurrection about?

For what it’s worth, here is my take on it.

I believe The Resurrection, or The Rebirth, is not about the body. It’s about the Soul.

Over many lifetimes, both here and on other places (such as the 5D), the Soul starts to get fragmented and damaged. Layers get stripped away through traumas, attacks, or even just wear and tear.

Yes, our Soul is immortal, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be hurt. Any Soul Eater will tell you that. You can also bargain away layers of your being or spread yourself so thin that you can barely keep track of it all.

Continue reading “176 – The Resurrection – Rebirth”

175 – The Resurrection – The Body

Drawing By Carolina Pagatpatan

The Resurrection

This is a two part look at what The Resurrection, discussed in The Bible, might be.

No, I’m not going to get religious on you. I follow or endorse no organized religion. (My Guides always insisted that I don’t follow any religion as it would limit me severely.) What I am going to say comes from a place of experience and knowledge.

This is going to be a very sensitive topic for certain people. For some, whenever you mention The Bible or certain concepts, things can get very heated. Offence seems to be so easily taken. (Which is ironic, as those they claim to follow would never take offense themselves.)

The Old gods

Once I mentioned to someone that if you looked at The Bible from a different point of view, it was about the old gods, and many of the things in that book made sense from that perspective.

Continue reading “175 – The Resurrection – The Body”