101 – Your Belief System

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General Guide for Attunement & Your Belief System

This series of articles will discuss Attunement and certain perspectives you should be open to consider should the End of Days actually occur.  For those who decide to continue reading this entry, I intend to offer advice on options you should seriously consider and the reasoning behind it. This particular entry will focus on your Belief System.

Most importantly, please take serious note that these suggestions are based on Universal Law and not any religious dogma. I am not going to tell you to follow any particular belief or that you will burn eternally in Hell if you don’t accept someone as your Savior.

Additionally, I will not tell you that you must do what I suggest, or your Soul will be lost. I am not privy to your Soul’s agenda and, for all I know, your mission might be one that seeds Chaos in order for others to experience growth. In which case, I thank you for your contribution to our Soul’s evolution and experience.

This is just a General Guide to help one define what might help you shift to a higher vibrational level of this World.


Summarily, we have discussed some of the events and signs that appear to be signaling an End of Days scenario is coming soon.

Apart from one source, who refused to be named; all other independent sources are confident this is going to occur .

Now, it is worth noting that people have been predicting this event for centuries. The End of Days has been claimed so many times it has become a cliché, and most people will groan and roll their eyes.

And yes, you can count me amongst those who feel that way.

Still, only a fool would ignore all the signs and dismiss it as unlikely or impossible.

I also have not disclosed everything I have experienced. This is a hard enough topic to keep track of, and personally, I’m pretty sick of writing about it. Plus, I’m sure I’ve attracted unwanted attention by doing so.

But there is a point to this. There is a reason why I have brought this up and discussed it.

And that is, what should you as an Individual, be doing?


You could look upon this event, the End of Days, as a way of separating the wheat from the chaff, so to speak. By the Triquerta’s own admission, they cannot stop those who are ready for Ascension. In addition, they also cannot release those that are held in bondage.

This is your personal journey. What you decide to be and take action on will determine where you end up.

This is the process of Attunement. Every choice alters your vibrations. Who you are currently will attune you to a particular timeline that has a specific outcome.

Even those who choose to give up their lives in the face of violence, death or adversity might well find themselves continuing on in another timeline. One where such things are no longer happening. This is not a pipe dream. I have experienced this myself several times.

The Universe

Even how you act when in hardship or poverty may determine your future existence. Do you scam others, engage in crime or commit acts that you would not wish upon yourself or your family? By doing these things, you are perpetuating your part in the cycle; therefore sending a message to The Universe that this is the reality you have chosen.

It is said that The Universe never says no to your idea about yourself and will provide the experience you have asked for.

You can substitute the ideology of The Universe; for God, The Source, or whatever you choose to call it. I feel it’s all the same.

Belief System

Your belief creates reality and reality reinforces belief.

If you decide that you have no choice but to act in a certain way, you will experience that outcome more and more. It will do so until you find that you believe you really do have no choice but to be that way.

Your version of your World might be either negative or positive, spiritual, or ignorant. It may be a mix of both in varying degrees. It all depends on what you are willing to open yourself up to.

If you wish to change your reality, the first step is to change your Belief System. There are many ways you can do that, but the simplest is to write down what you really do believe.

Be honest about it. If you believe that this world sucks, Free Will is an illusion, and you will never get an even break, then write it down. It’s okay to do so. Denial of what one believes, and feels, does not alter it as a fact.

You may well be experiencing this very type of existence. Additionally, you might feel outraged and angry that someone might suggest that this is somehow something you are responsible for creating. Some even become hostile that they are told they have the power to change things.

Free Will Is Real

However, Free Will is real, and it does dictate that you can choose to experience anything you desire. It also states that nothing can happen to you without your permission on some level. Hence, we are always creating and choosing outcomes, though not many seem to realize this.

If you believe that Free Will is rubbish, then that is the exact experience you will have. You might see glimpses of it not being the case, but in my observations, most tend to ignore or dismiss that which does not fit into their Belief System.

However, if you are not, then it’s time to create a new Belief System. Decide exactly what you want and commit it to paper (or even an electronic medium.)

Writing it down will help make it manifest. Then recite your new Belief System to yourself frequently, as though you believe it.

And yes, your reality does change. This does work. It’s very powerful. It’s possible that your current life may break for the new one to manifest, but you do get what you ask for, so be very careful.

Often, what is “right now” must make room for what will be. You cannot build a new house without demolishing the old one. You can, of course, renovate it, and that depends on if you wish to keep parts of what you already have.

The next entries will focus on suggestions that might be useful for you to focus on and incorporate as part of your new Belief System and enhanced Attunement.

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[…] Belief System creates reality and reality reinforces beliefs. This is created through our Free Will. This is […]


[…] far, we have discussed End of Days, Universal Laws and Attunement. The next three entries will cover general advice and tips for those who wish to Ascend or Attune. […]

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