87 – The Chaos Stone

The Ethics of Disclosure

The more I dig into this, the more it seems that there is a general awareness of The End of Days Cycle; however, people are holding back on that information.

I recently asked someone, whom I held in high regard, if they were aware of what was coming. I figured that, with their Astral connections, they would be aware of what was transpiring.

The response was interesting: I am aware that End of Days is looming, but I do not mention it in social media very much because of the Alarm” factor. Which means, if it’s true and going to happen, then people will not remain calm once it all begins.

He also went onto say that choices had already been made by the way we had been living.

While this is true, I am of the opinion that there is still time to make another choice.

More importantly, if you hide certain choices from people, then they cannot make an Informed Decision. They will spend valuable time trying to work out if a choice exists to begin with.

The rest of his responses were somewhat irrelevant to this entry. However, it did leave me with the doubt that it’s even within my rights to put this information out there.


We can become trapped in a Belief System that will manifest itself. I am always working to be on guard against this.

Still, I need to look at the external factors, too.

I am not exactly someone who has sought this out. In fact, this all goes contrary to my current Belief System.

It’s a hard pill to swallow that what I spent my life dismissing, may end up happening.

I cannot get away from being The Phoenix and becoming involved in such events. They seek me out, regardless of my beliefs.

Because I have put a Fate Line in place, this ensures that I will not stray far from my chosen path.

I’m receiving a lot of conflicting stories about The End of Days. Consequently, I can’t help but feel something bigger is going on. Hopefully, by the end of this blog, we will have a much clearer picture of what is really happening.

I find myself doing what I’m being compelled to do. If I was not meant to do this, I would have been blocked or stopped by now.

 Time to discuss The Beast.


It began just like many other things. Without fanfare. A small, strange event, where few could have seen what was going to happen.

Omen called it a Chaos Stone. It was a small marble that looked dark and silvery. No matter what he did, he could not get rid of it. Every time he threw it away, it would return.

He had tried to get rid of it many times. He had buried it, mailed it away, had thrown it down the drain, and even into a river; but it kept returning.

Its properties would change.

Omen would describe it as having holes all through it; and inside, a displaced liquid like feeling, when you picked it up. It made no sound when he shook it.

Then sometimes it was smooth with no holes and solid and its shadow was tinted red.

One day, it had fallen out of the sky and landed in front of him.

It stung the tendons of Omen’s arms when he touched it. Something he claimed he shouldn’t be able to even feel.

It would roll around of its own volition. He tried to take a video of it, but his phone refused to work, so all he got were photos.

Omen said it was part of him, and assumed it was made from Chaos energy.


Around the same time, certain events had made me wonder about who The Beast of Revelations truly was.

It wasn’t the first time I had pondered this. It was something I had felt a strong pull to investigate since 2010. In retrospect, this type of compulsion just seemed to come out of the blue.

I had a strong sense that I had to track down The Beast.

I knew that whoever it was, he was dangerous; not something to be trifled with.

Then around April of 2014, two months after I began my association with Omen, I strongly began to suspect that it was him.


The words “Beast Mode” kept coming up. I felt it was something I should not ignore.

Part of it was due to the information that was contained in the Buddha’s Soul fragment I had integrated.

Also, a very strong synchronicity had occurred that suggested it was likely.

While I was looking into this, I received two very clear signs, on the same day, that I was indeed on the right track. The first was a car’s license plate number that contained 666. As this was very, very rare for me to see, I felt it was confirmation. But I also considered that it could be just a coincidence.

The second sign was much more blatant. That night, for some reason, I decided to fire up Diablo III, which I hadn’t touched for some time. I played it for a few minutes.

I completed a random mission, and got an unexpected Achievement.

It was called BEAST MODE.

Kill the Siegebreaker Assault Beast at max level in under 1 minute on Torment difficulty or higher.

I knew I had my answer.

Beast Energy

I asked Omen about his connection to The Beast, but knew he would be unlikely to confirm such a thing with the Binds on him.

I said, “Say nothing if I am right.” And he said nothing. Normally, he would have said something… anything.

I also had a very strong feeling that the Chaos Stone contained the Beast’s energy.

Omen had half joked about eating it, but decided that it would more than likely cut up his insides.

Then one morning, he woke up and found it on his forehead.

That night, he told me he was going to try and ingest the energy.

I warned him that I suspected it would have quite an effect on him; but in true Omen style, he decided to go ahead anyway.

Absorbing The Chaos Energy

Omen: What if I just… I don’t know… Hold it still, then grasp part of it with my aura, and then move the rock the opposite way…

I’d [sic] likely look like I’m on something with the way I’m looking at this thing…

Whoa! The Colours!

It definitely has residue. Still taste it, damn… bleh… Worst freaking vitriolic substance in forever.

Ironically, I can’t feel my tongue, but that is likely because I thought licking the rock was a viable idea.

Gary: Yeah… You do a looooot of things. How come you’re still alive for me to chat to?

Omen: Um… I can’t die? Might be a small contributory fact.

Omen started to feel woozy, so he decided to visit me, Astrally, as he was wont to do. When he did, I felt the same thing. As the evening wore on, I felt him begin to change. It felt like he was on a strong hallucinogen.

Eventually, Omen felt he was burning and uneven, but good. In addition, he felt relief for no apparent reason.

But the changes taking place in Omen did not become obvious until later.

Next: The Beast

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[…] Other people have reported having their own Chaos Stone.  […]

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