143 – Psychic Attacks – Balking Attacks

What Is A Balking Attack?

This is a series that looks at what Psychic Attacks are and what you can do regarding them. This entry we’ll focus on Balking Attacks.

A Balking Attack is a Psychic Attack designed to block your progress on a path. If you are being too successful and are perceived to be a threat to organizations, such as The Triquerta, The Annunaki or some of the old gods, they will do what they can to stop you.

Also, you may be blocked out of spite or revenge by someone who has a grudge against you.

Such rituals can be generally done by Black Magic / Blood Magic / Voodoo. (Though each has their own individual type of outcomes and effects. There is also a heavy price for using them.)

Attacks On Business

Balking Attacks are insidious. I’ve seen a number of them used.

One that comes to mind was in one of my first Soul Calls, where a lady who ran a massage / healing shop was having her business blocked by a disgruntled ex-boyfriend.

It was clear to me what was going on, so I did some work to clear the attacks. I did not know as much then as I do now, so I was not as effective as I would have liked to have been. Luckily, she found help by another lady and this lady’s assistance was enough to break the attack.

It was as though a blockage in a water pipe had been removed and the contents were suddenly flowing through quickly and strongly.

I also saw the same type of psychic attack on another Healer.

Tool For Demonics

The difficulty with such psychic attacks is that they may not always focus on you. Balking attacks can target those around you. The easiest way for it to succeed is to mess with another’s path, which in turn can block yours.

Those around you who are susceptible to suggestion or corruption can be turned against you. They may even change their minds about something they previously agreed to do.

This is one of the major tools for demonics to stop useful information from getting out. It can also be used to seed doubt about those who can help them.

Personally, I’ve lost count of the times someone has told me they received a message that I can’t be trusted. Almost everyone I have helped has told me the same story.

I’ve found that it doesn’t take much for some to turn around on a dime, and attack me, in spite of the help I have given them. But I feel such people are better off out of my life.

Silver Linings

While a Balking Attack can really mess with your plans, it doesn’t necessarily follow that something better won’t come along. Even though the intent is to block you, other opportunities may occur. There are silver linings.

One example of such an attack occurred in 2012, when I was moving in with my ex-partner.

We found the perfect house, in the perfect location with great landlords, who were going to be away for two years. Two years was the exact amount of time we were looking to lease.

The moment my partner saw the house, she said, “This is our house.”

I also had the same feeling.

Everything then fell into place. Synchronicity was with us all the way.

Then, at the very last moment the circumstances changed, and suddenly the landlord was only going to be away for six months.

My partner was always adamant that someone pulled some serious strings to screw this up for us. I happen to agree.

However, there was an upside to it.

We did soon find a house that was closer to our places of work (literally walking distance for both of us), and even though the house itself (and the landlord) did not have a good energy, the location did provide a life changing event.

Back Pain

For a few years, my back had been causing me constant pain, due to a diagnosed spinal degeneration. Every few weeks, I would end up being unable to lie down or even sit.

It would happen without warning and quite randomly. I would just be standing, for instance, and suddenly I would just go through my back. I would be in agony for days after.

Before I moved, I had been seeing a local chiropractor, but as he was 30 minutes’ drive away, I needed a new one.

One was recommended whom happened to be a 7 minute walk from the new house.

The Cure

After a really bad episode, I made an appointment to see this new chiropractor. The moment I walked in, I felt there was something different about the place. I quickly realized that this was no ordinary practice.

This person was able to forge new pathways in the body and bypass the problem areas.

What was more, his methods were so gentle that I could barely feel anything at all. He just had me breathe in and out.

After a few sessions, there was a dramatic improvement and around three months later, I no longer had any ongoing issues with my back.

The only time I have a problem is when I am coming down with the flu.

It’s been 8 years and counting and I am forever grateful that we did not get that original, albeit, wonderful house.

In Conclusion

Balking Attacks are indeed annoying, but don’t let them stop you. With enough persistence, you will find new opportunities and paths.

Should you sense them, focus on sending back the balking attacks, but not maliciously. Set the Intention that the source will be blocked until they stop attacking.

It also really helps when you know the identity of the source. That is not always easy to discover, but if you do, it makes it possible to block them.

As always, never retaliate with a return attack that is equal or greater in Intent. You are unlikely to win, and you will just perpetuate the cycle.

Next: Spiritual Psyche

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