107 – Attunement Tips – Part 3 – Higher Levels

Higher Levels

This is Part 3 of General Tips for those who wish to Attune and Ascend to higher vibrational levels. In this entry, we will discuss fear, oneness, trolling, curses, binds and promises.


Do not let fear control your decision making.

You would be surprised just how many decisions are based on fear. Even relationships and major decisions, such as jobs, are often from a place of fear.

Always come from a place of love, and trust that you will be looked after. In addition, do not forget to check your intuition.

We Are All One

We are all a part of something bigger.

As trite as that may sound, the fact we are all one is very apparent at higher vibrational levels.

Whether you believe it or not, it is still a reality. If we understand that everything we do is what we will do to ourselves eventually, then we might think twice about certain actions.

That person you are abusing? You will actually be that person at some point. Try to avoid hurting anyone.

This is a really hard and heavy concept for a lot of people to comprehend. However, if you can bear it in mind, it will really help you.


Don’t troll.

You might think you’re safe making pejorative, snarky, or aggressive comments from behind a computer screen. You might find it fun to get people going or belittle them.

After all, the chances are that they will never find out who you are, right?

Well… no. This is called trolling. Realistically, all you are doing is forging a karmic link between you and them. This will return to bite you at some point. Maybe not in this life, but certainly in another. If you have caused enough stress, anger or hurt to someone, and they can’t let it go; you will hear all about it at some point and experience the consequences.

More importantly, you really never know who you are talking to at the other end. That person you are trolling? It might just be a demonic, a god, or someone very adept in black magic. They may have no qualms about putting a curse on you or attacking you on a Psychic level.

They do not need to know where you live or even who you are. Once they get your energy signature, you’re as good as marked.

Trust me, you do not want this to happen. Ever! It can certainly prevent you from reaching those higher levels.

So, be nice online.


Do not curse others.

Speaking of curses. It’s wise to avoid doing such things to another. You may feel justified in seeking revenge on someone who has wronged you. You might be very good at voodoo, black magic, blood magic, rituals, elemental attacks, and so on; moreover, every such attack will bind you to the one you are attacking.

Consequently, you will end up being around them in some form or another, life after life.

This will continue until the curse is lifted or the parties come to a resolution.

No one is random in your life.

What is more, it will hold you back from shifting to a higher vibrational level. You cannot move on until you have resolved your differences, made amends, or closed the circles.

Just trust me when I say it’s not worth it and it will certainly make it hard to get to those higher levels.


Binding others.

Do not try and bind others to you. Examples of this include using things such as love spells or doing things to make others indebted to you. There are worse binds (as I experienced with Omen), but all of them will tie you to that being, and stop you from shifting or ascending to higher levels.


Do not make promises you don’t intend to keep.

This is major. If you make a promise, keep it; otherwise, don’t make it. Or if you must, have a “get out” clause added.

For instance, the wedding vow, “To death do us part,” is very wise. It means that the marriage will end in this life, and not bind the couple in another.

This also goes for loans, money, or possessions you may promise to someone.

Taking a loan from someone, then disappearing to another country for instance, will not save you in the long run.

You have willingly entered into a Contract. Willfully ignoring or neglecting it will create not only negative karma, but pretty much ensure that sometime in the future, you will struggle to make ends meet. Additionally, you may have created a negative karmic bond with someone.

You are not being clever, smart or cheating the system. Nothing is hidden and no one is exempt from karmic consequences. Not even deities.

Remember, at the higher levels, and especially in the Astral realm, the man-made concept of money has no value or use there.


Do not promise to do something for someone, tell them you will pay them for their time or services, or make agreements where you know they will lose out.

It will come back to bite you at some point. And it will come back in such a way that you will be blindsided and never see it coming.

You may also need that person’s help one day, be it in this or another life, or even in the Astral realms.

Generally, it’s just bad on a karmic level.

More seriously, you are also attuning yourself to a reality where no one will keep their promises to you and rip you off every chance they get.

Worse, still, you are creating a negative karmic bond with others. They may well become your Antagonists in another life, and you will not even remember why.

Do what you can to make sure all debts are paid, and favors returned. Even if you may not succeed in doing so, intention to do so is what will ultimately make the difference.

The End

These are all self-explanatory. I could certainly come up with many others and there are no doubt things I have missed. (In which case, feel free to add them in the comment section!) They are designed to help you attune and ascend to those higher levels.

Many of them may even seem obvious, but very few tend to care or follow such advice.

They will find some reason they are exempt, or act as though it only affects others and not them.

In the end, what I have written here are only suggestions. It’s up to you what you want to do with them. You can ignore them all, and that is fine and you have every right to. You can also follow them and complain about how this world still stinks and people are not doing the right things by you.

Don’t follow my advice because you think it will benefit you. Follow it because it resonates with you. Do it because it’s who you are. Do it because it’s an expression of who you wish to be.

And yes, you may find there are times where you fall off the track. When things don’t go as planned. And that’s okay. It’s where you return to and what you do moving forward that is important.

We will all do things we will not be proud of, no matter how small. That’s life. That’s the human experience. What is important is who you are being.

Be the best version of You, you can be.

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