145 – Psychic Attacks – Astral Attacks

Astral Attacks

This is a series that looks at what Psychic Attacks are and what you can do regarding them. This entry we’ll focus on Astral Attacks.

If you’ve ever woken up with mysterious bruises or scratches on your body, you may have been the victim of an Astral Attack.

These attacks occur on the Astral levels, often while you are sleeping. They can also occur in our dreams or while having an Out-of-Body Experience (OBE).

Attacks on our Astral bodies can sometimes translate with them manifesting in the physical.

As the old saying goes: As above, so below. (Which pretty much indicates the state of our Astral right now.)

The Astral can be defined as any vibrational level that isn’t on the 3D level, where we exist in physical bodies as humans. Yes, it exists. Maybe science hasn’t been able to prove this, but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s there.

Who attacks?

Attacks can be engaged by anyone in the Astral.

The Triquerta come up a lot. (Many report seeing the hooded Nobodys, which are actually fallen Angelics.)

Often, they may try to mark your body. It’s quite common for many to wake up with three dots in the shape of a triangle. This is one of the marks of the Triquerta.

Such marks can be neutralized as the energy connection can be severed.

Being marked, though, is never a good thing. So, if you ever find one, take it seriously. Marks allow others to track you.

Swords and Binds

There are also many weapons that are used in the Astral. Swords and Binds are often used as weapons of choice.

I’ve had too many cases where someone has reported being stabbed by something that felt like a sword. In some instances, they said it felt like it had broken and part of it was still lodged inside their Lightbody.

Removing those are always fun. Swords are generally an extension of someone’s Soul and power. In a powerful being, they can be quite dangerous and devastating weapons.

Binds are also used, to try and contain or control the soul. I truly detest binds. They are nasty things.

There are many, many other types of devices and weapons that can be used, but I’m sure you get the idea.


Demonics will certainly attack. Omen once told me a story how he and two other demons got bored during a job, so they would each take turns to strangle a sleeping lady until she woke up gasping.

They also use sleeping bodies as message boards by leaving scratches on them. If you have ever woken up with mysterious marks, there’s a good chance that is what is behind it.

If this has happened, please don’t panic. It can be avoided. Demonics tend to feed off fear.

However, they may not attack you without permission. (In fact, no one can.) We often give consent in unsuspecting ways and emotions such as anger, hate, rage, and fear will leave one much more vulnerable to such attacks.

Before you go to sleep, create an aura of love, joy, and protection around you and fill it with the colors that make you feel peaceful and safe. You don’t have to see it. Intention is enough.

Sex Demons

Incubi and Succubi, (the plural for incubus and succubus), are certainly a culprit.

These beings feed off of sexual energy. Sadly, Astral rape is a fact of life. Few believe it’s possible, however if you have experienced it, you will be left with no doubt that it happened.

Sex Demons need sexual energy to feed. They will start to sicken and become very hungry without it. If they can’t get it through legitimate means, then they will find another way to take it.

You can certainly stop them though, by denying them permission to interact with you. I’ve found that many people find this hard to do as they may be lonely, or they actually enjoy the sexual energy too much. This kind of sex can be way more intense than normal physical sex.

Sleep paralysis may be one of the signs of such an attack, though it’s certainly not the only reason.

While it is true that your body does become paralyzed while you sleep, it does not mean that it can’t be part of an Astral Attack.

Too many assume that because one can’t move, it must mean we are imagining everything else, too. I don’t believe we are.

Because you are not fully in your body at the time, you are more likely to see any entity that is present.

Many people report seeing a Hag during such episodes or feel something heavy climbing on top of them. This really does happen. What you may be feeling is your Lightbody being molested, rather than your human one.

A friend of mine once told me that it happened from time to time to him. I advised that he should call upon my energies the next time it occurred. He did that and told me that the weight and paralysis ended immediately.


It’s not uncommon for someone or something to try and possess your body while you sleep or even if you’re still awake. Omen used to try this, which amused me greatly.

I did have one incident that occurred in 2017. I started to wake up at night and find my arm was punching the pillow of its own volition.

It was clearly something trying to possess me, but I shrugged it off almost immediately. Sometimes it would occur before I had even fallen asleep.

After a few nights, I traced the source of someone who was in the 3D, who had always hated me. This person was a dark Druid, and had been contracted by Apep to kill me, at least according to Omen. He would have known, as he did the Contracts.

From what I could trace, he had been made an offer to join a group to attack me on the Astral levels. He had recently attacked me in the 3D, and it had irritated me. That anger left me vulnerable to his and other’s attacks.

Once I understood this, I took steps to deal with the anger, and the attacks stopped immediately.

Unfortunately, one of the attackers ended up atomized as I was waking up. It was purely accidental, but I’ve not felt that particular being since that time.

Also, the Druid has not been around since that incident, either.

In Conclusion

Astral Attacks are common, frequent, and a real problem for many. It’s also a good reason to avoid an OBE.

While many may safely return, some will not. Some Souls may become trapped or attacked.

Their body will continue on automatic, living its life as though nothing has changed. If you look into their eyes, you will see they are empty. That’s because there is no Soul / Lifeforce present.

At this point in our history, the Astral is not safe. Unless you are well protected and you understand what you are doing, don’t risk it.

Always shield yourself while sleeping. Never invite spirits into your personal space. Even something as mundane as a front door mat that says “Welcome” on it, is enough for such beings to enter.

Always protect yourself. Do not let fear control you. Choose the energy of Unconditional Love.

Next: Inconvenient Attacks

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