133 – Psychic Attacks – Addiction

Attacks of Addiction

This is a series that looks at what Psychic Attacks are and what you can do regarding them. This entry we’ll focus on how Addiction is used as a form of psychic attack.

Addiction comes in many forms. It’s one of the things that keep humans bound to this world, reincarnating over and over again.

As mentioned in a previous entry, the human body was genetically modified to have Energy Seals put on it. They block the connection between Soul and Source.

Separation From God

From my personal recollection, this is the truer version of Adam and Eve and the separation from God.

To quickly recap, after a long and bloody war, many of the denizens of this world were wiped out. There are claims of genocide from those who remember being around during those times.

I can’t say for sure whether it was The Annunaki, The Twelve or another party, but they genetically altered the human body with the Seals. I’m told that there is a strand of DNA missing or not activated.

The intention was to stop the awareness between the Soul and the connection to the Source. This is where the myth of the separation from God comes from.

This block can be overridden if needed, but as a rule, a good majority of people don’t seem to want to do this.

In the end, it makes it very easy to control and manipulate a human because they simply don’t believe that Astral beings exist.


Now, you might be wondering why Souls keep on incarnating into such vessels, especially if they have Free Will and can choose otherwise.

The answer is fiendishly simple.

The human body allows one to experience incredible pleasures and vices.

Be that sex, drugs, alcohol, smoking, thrill seeking, relationships, adventures and so on, the human body gives an unparalleled experience of these type of things.   

Addicted To The Pleasure

It’s already hard enough to remember who we are in the dense 3D environments (unless you have chosen to be a walk-in), and with the loss of spiritual connection, we can completely indulge in any behavior we desire without that hampering us.

There is nothing wrong with this, per say, however, when the Soul is addicted to the pleasure of the body, it tends to keep on seeking that experience over and over again.

While addiction to pleasure has always been the draw for many, life was still hard and challenging. If enough people became discontent, then there would end up being a revolution and those in power would tend to fall.

Now, however, I believe that a new tactic has been used in recent years.

While addiction to drugs, alcohol, sex, money and so forth, has always been around; there is a new type of addiction that has been emerging over the past few decades.

Digital Addiction

It’s been called, Internet Addiction Disorder, Tech Addiction and also Digital Addiction.

Computers and, more recently, the Internet, has brought with it endless possibilities.  

This one is insidious because, on the surface, everything seems fine, but before you know it, you’re swept into a world where all your focus is on playing games, posting every move in your life, chatting online or some other activity in cyberspace.

I don’t consider myself to have an addictive type personality, but I must confess that there have been many times since 1982 (when I got my first computer) that I have been addicted to games, chat or some other type of media.

While I would use it as a way to unwind, I began to notice that there were times when I was putting things off, ignoring certain tasks I should have been doing, or allowing it to completely distract me.

Even before my first computer, I would be drawn to video arcades.

Wake-Up Call

It took a while for the penny to drop, but I began to realize that technology addiction is as dangerous in many ways as drugs.

I spent my first year on the net, back in 1995, totally addicted to chatrooms.

One of my wake-up calls came in 1998, when I was playing an addictive game on the P.C. called Rainbow Islands. It was a simple platformer, that was both frustrating and engaging.

Every time I did not get a level right, I would restart and try again.

At one point, my then wife interrupted, with her daughter, and said: “Gary. We need you.” I suddenly became aware of a psychic attack that was happening on the both of them.

This game had me so absorbed that I had not even noticed anything was going on. I never touched that game again, though it would be wrong for me to say that I’ve not had other periods of addiction.

Growing Issue

Nowadays, I tend to be more mindful of what I am doing and what I need to be aware of.

I have observed, though, that this type of addiction is rampant.

There is a lot to unpack here, but suffice to say, for the moment, it’s more dangerous than we know.

I will add the qualifier that not all things, net and tech, are bad, but it’s a growing issue.

Is It Deliberate?

Without getting into conspiracy theory issues, I can’t help but wonder if this addiction is a deliberate ploy. Agencies (such as The Triquerta and those who run it) use it to keep people distracted.

In the past, societies have been repressed by class and caste systems that kept people so poor and busy that they were too focused on just trying to survive. Eventually a revolution would occur when things got bad enough and reached a tipping point.

Now we have something more insidious. Gaming and Social Network addiction. People appear to be too absorbed and addicted to whatever they are doing to take notice of what is going on around them. At least, until it is too late.

Am I saying it’s deliberate? Well, the addiction part certainly is. It’s how billions of dollars are drained from players by the companies who know how to exploit them.

The Worst In People

The net also seems to bring out the worst in people. They act in ways that they would never get away with in real life and take immense pride in it.

For gamers, there appears to be a toxic culture and elitism. New players for online games (derogatorily called N00bs) are abused, put down, and made fun of.

Their crime? They don’t have the knowledge and skills of those who have spent hundreds of hours honing their own.

Such an attitude is inane, in my view. Being part of a winning team or a top raid guild does not make one a better person, or more spiritual. It’s an achievement, to be sure, but nothing the Soul would care about. In the end, all that matters is not what you are doing, but who you are being.

In Conclusion

Addiction is insidious because it draws one in and makes it very hard to get out. Success, while fleeting and hard to get, especially in games, may leave one feeling ultimately even more depressed and empty.

There is always something new to get into nowadays. It is unlikely to get better. The focus seems to be less and less on growth and spirituality and more on elitism, trolling, and tearing down things.

If you do wish to choose that path, just make sure you think through the consequences and are okay with them. The further down one goes, the longer and harder it takes for one to come back.

This type of addiction can be used as a psychic attack. Not only can people be distracted, drained of energy, resources and focus, but they may be manipulated into behaviors they would never normally dream of doing.

Just be aware of it. Don’t let yourself be distracted when you have more important things to do and focus on.

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